Mitsubishi Microcomputers
2001-5-14 Rev.1.0
32170 Group, 32174 Group
Figure 16 Virtual-Flash Emulation Areas of the M32174F4VFP (Replaced in Units of 8 Kbytes)
Note 1: If the same bank area is set in multiple virtual-flash bank registers and the virtual-flash emulation enable bit is enabled,
the corresponding internal RAM area is assigned to either bank register according to the priority FELBANK0 > FELBANK1
Note 2: When access is made to the 8-Kbyte area (L bank) specified with virtual-flash bank registers 0-2, the internal RAM
area is accessed. During virtual-flash emulation mode, RAM data can read and written to and from both the internal RAM
area and the virtual-flash setup area.
Note 3: Internal RAM area (H’0080 C000-H’0080 DFFF) cannot be used as Virtual Flash Emulation area.
The table below shows Virtual-Flash Emulation Areas of the M32174F4 and M32174F3.
Table 13. Virtual-Flash Emulation Areas of the M32174F4 and M32174F3
Type Name
Virtual-Flash Emulation Areas
H’ 0000 0000 - H’ 0007 FFFF
H’ 0000 0000 - H’ 0005 FFFF
H'0000 0000
H'0000 2000
< Internal flash >
L bank 1
(8K bytes)
L bank 0
(8K bytes)
H'0000 4000
L bank 2
(8K bytes)
L bank 63
(8K bytes)
L bank 62
(8K bytes)
H'0007 E000
H'0007 C000
< Internal RAM >
8K bytes
4K bytes
H'0080 4000
H'0080 6000
H'0080 8000
H'0080 C000
H'0080 DFFF
Figure 17 Virtual-Flash Emulation Areas of the M32174F4VFP (Replaced in Units of 4 Kbytes)
Note 1: If the same bank area is set in multiple virtual-flash bank registers and the virtual-flash emulation enable bit is enabled,
the corresponding internal RAM area is assigned to either bank register according to the priority FELBANK0 > FELBANK1
Note 2: When access is made to the 4-Kbyte area (S bank) specified with virtual-flash bank registers 0 and 1, the internal RAM
area is accessed. During virtual-flash emulation mode, RAM data can read and written to and from both the internal RAM
area and the virtual-flash setup area.
Note 3: Internal RAM area (H’0080 C000-H’0080 DFFF) cannot be used as Virtual Flash Emulation area.
H'0000 0000
H'0000 1000
< Internal flash >
< Internal RAM >
S bank 1
(4K bytes)
H'0080 4000
S bank 0
(4K bytes)
H'0000 2000
S bank 2
(4K bytes)
8K bytes
S bank 127
(4K bytes)
S bank 126
(4K bytes)
H'0007 F000
H'0007 E000
8K bytes
4K bytes
H'0080 A000
H'0080 B000
H'0080 C000
H'0080 DFFF