Three-phase Motor Control Timer Functions
Mitsubishi microcomputers
M16C / 62P Group
Preliminary Specifications Rev.1.0
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
Three-phase Motor Control Timer Function
Timers A1, A2, A4 and B2 can be used to output three-phase motor drive waveforms. Table 1.16.1 lists the
specifications of the three-phase motor control timer function. Figure 1.16.1 shows the block diagram for
three-phase motor control timer function. Also, the related registers are shown on Figure 1.16.2 to Figure
Table 1.16.1. Three-phase Motor Control Timer FunctionS Specifications
Three-phase waveform output pin
Six pins (U, U, V, V, W, W)
Forced cutoff input1
Input “L” to NMI pin
Used Timers
Timer A4, A1, A2 (used in the one-shot timer mode)
Timer A4: U- and U-phase waveform control
Timer A1: V- and V-phase waveform control
Timer A2: W- and W-phase waveform control
Timer B2 (used in the timer mode)
Carrier wave cycle control
Dead timer timer (3 eight-bit timer and shared reload register)
Dead time control
Output waveform
Triangular wave modulation, Sawtooth wave modification
Enable to output “H” or “L” for one cycle
Enable to set positive-phase level and negative-phase
level respectively
Carrier wave cycle
Triangular wave modulation: count source x (m+1) x 2
Sawtooth wave modulation: count source x (m+1)
m: Setting value of TB2 register, 0 to 65535
Count source: f1, f2, f8, f32, fC32
Three-phase PWM output width
Triangular wave modulation: count source x n x 2
Sawtooth wave modulation: count source x n
n: Setting value of TA4, TA1 and TA2 register (of TA4,
TA41, TA1, TA11, TA2 and TA21 registers when setting
the INV11 bit to “1”), 1 to 65535
Count source: f1, f2, f8, f32, fC32
Dead time
Count source x p, or no dead time
p: Setting value of DTT register, 1 to 255
Count source: f1, f2, f1 divided by 2, f2 divided by 2
Active level
Eable to select “H” or “L”
Positive and negative-phase concurrent
Positive and negative-phases concurrent active disable
Positive and negative-phases concurrent active detect func
Interrupt frequency
For Timer B2 interrupt, select a carrier wave cycle-to-cycle
basis through 15 times carrier wave cycle-to-cycle basis
active disable function
1. Forced cutoff with NMI input is effective when the IVPCR1 bit of TB2SC register is set to “1” (three-phase
output forcible cutoff by NMI input enabled). If an “L” signal is applied to the NMI pin when the IVPCR1 bit
is “1”, the related pins go to a high-impedance state regardless of which functions of those pins are being
Related pins
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