Mitsubishi microcomputers
M16C / 30 Group
Table 1.11.2. Interrupts assigned to the variable vector tables and addresses of vector tables
Software interrupt number
Interrupt source
Vector table address
Address (L) to address (H)
Cannot be masked I flag
+0 to +3 (Note 1)
BRK instruction
Software interrupt number 0
Note 1: Address relative to address in interrupt table register (INTB).
Note 2: When IIC mode is selected, NACK and ACK interrupts are selected.
Cannot be masked I flag
+108 to +111 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 27
+112 to +115 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 28
+116 to +119 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 29
+120 to +123 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 30
+124 to +127 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 31
+128 to +131 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 32
+252 to +255 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 63
Timer B1
Timer B2
Software interrupt
+44 to +47 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 11
+52 to +55 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 13
+56 to +59 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 14
+68 to +71 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 17
+72 to +75 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 18
+76 to +79 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 19
+80 to +83 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 20
+84 to +87 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 21
+88 to +91 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 22
+92 to +95 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 23
+40 to +43 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 10
+60 to +63 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 15
+64 to +67 (Note 1)
Software interrupt number 16
Key input interrupt
UART0 transmit
UART0 receive
UART1 transmit
UART1 receive
Timer A0
Timer A1
Timer A2
Bus collision detection
UART2 transmit/NACK (Note 2)
UART2 receive/ACK (Note 2)
Variable vector tables
The addresses in the variable vector table can be modified, according to the user’s settings. Indicate
the first address using the interrupt table register (INTB). The 256-byte area subsequent to the ad-
dress the INTB indicates becomes the area for the variable vector tables. One vector table comprises
four bytes. Set the first address of the interrupt routine in each vector table. Table 1.11.2 shows the
interrupts assigned to the variable vector tables and addresses of vector tables.