M16C/28 Group
Under development Preliminary specification
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
12.3 Three-phase Motor Control Timer Function
Rev.0.60 2004.02.01
page 111 of N
Three-phase PWM control register 0 (Note 1)
After reset
b7 b6
b1 b0
Effective interrupt output
polarity select bit
Bit symbol
Bit name
Effective interrupt output
specification bit
Mode select bit
Positive and negative
phases concurrent output
disable bit
Software trigger select bit
Modulation mode select
Positive and negative
phases concurrent output
detect flag
Output control bit
0: ICTB2 counter incremented by 1 at
odd-numbered occurrences of a timer
B2 underflow
1: ICTB2 counter incremented by 1 at
even-numbered occurrences of a timer
B2 underflow
0: ICTB2 counter incremented by 1 at a
timer B2 underflow
1: Selected by INV00 bit
0: Three-phase motor control timer
function unused
1: Three-phase motor control timer
0: Three-phase motor control timer output
1: Three-phase motor control timer output
0: Simultaneous active output enabled
1: Simultaneous active output disabled
0: Not detected yet
1: Already detected
0: Triangular wave modulation mode
1: Sawtooth wave modulation mode
Setting this bit to “1” generates a transfer
trigger. If the INV06 bit is “1”, a trigger for
the dead time timer is also generated.
The value of this bit when read is “0”.
(Note 9)
(Note 3)
(Note 7)
(Note 2, Note 3)
Note 1: Write to this register after setting the PRC1 bit of PRCR register to “1” (write enable). Note also that this register can
only be rewritten when timers A1, A2, A4 and B2 are idle.
Note 2: If this bit needs to be set to “1”, set any value in the ICTB2 register before writing to it.
Note 3: Effective when the INV11 bit is “1” (three-phase mode 1). If INV11 is “0” (three-phase mode 0), the ICTB2 counter is
incremented by “1” each time the timer B2 underflows, regardless of whether the INV00 and INV01 bits are set.
Note 4: Setting the INV02 bit to “1” activates the dead time timer, U/V/W-phase output control circuits and ICTB2 counter.
Note 5: When INV03="1"(three-phase motor control timer output enabled) P80, P81, P72, P73, P74, and P75 functionas U, U,
V, V, W, W
Note 6: The INV03 bit is set to “0” in the following cases:
When reset
When positive and negative go active (INV05="1") simultaneously while INV04 bit is “1”
When set to “0” in a program
When input on the SD pin changes state from “H” to “L” (The INV03 bit cannot be set to “1” when SD input is
INV03 is set to “0” when the SD pin changes from “H” to “L” regardless of the value of the INVCR1 bit.
INV03 is set to "0" when both INV04 bit and INV05 bit are "1".
Note 7: Can only be set by writing “0” in a program, and cannot be set to “1”.
Note 8: The effects of the INV06 bit are described in the table below.
(Note 4)
(Note 5)
(Note 8)
Timing at which transferred from IDB0 to
IDB1 registers to three-phase output shift
Timing at which dead time timer trigger is
generated when INV16 bit is “0”
INV13 bit
Triangular wave modulation mode
Transferred only once synchronously
with the transfer trigger after writing to
the IDB0 to IDB1 registers
Synchronous with the falling edge of
timer A1, A2, or A4 one-shot pulse
Effective when INV11 is “1” and INV06
is “0”
Sawtooth wave modulation mode
Transferred every transfer trigger
Synchronous with the transfer
trigger and the falling edge of timer
A1, A2, or A4 one-shot pulse
Transfer trigger: Timer B2 underflow, write to the INV07 bit or write to the TB2 register when INV10 is “1”
Note 9: If the INV06 bit is “1”, set the INV11 bit to “0” (three-phase mode 0) and set the PWCON bit to “0” (timer B2
reloaded by a timer B2 underflow).
Note 10: Individual pins can be disabled using PFCR register.
(Note 6)
Has no effect
(Note 10)
Figure 12.3.2. INVC0 Register