(7) Step mode operation
In step mode, when the main volume is switched between 0dB and -32dB in 2-dB steps, the volume is first set to the
midpoint level of before and after the setting, and then to the final value.
The volume is set at the zero cross operation timing.
(Condition: Set to zero cross mode.)
This operation further reduces the switching noise, in addition to the effects of countermeasures against switching
noise due to zero cross operation.
(8) Notes during data control
1) Notes when transmitting data continuously
(1) Transmit the initial data once at power ON. (REG0, D0 to D11 = ALL “0”)
Set each register thereafter, but be sure to set REG7 (zero cross setting “ON”) last.
(2) Do not transmit data during soft mute operation. Wait until soft step operation is finished before transmitting the
data. (It is recommended to set the data transmission interval of approximately twice the soft mute setting time.)
(3) Do not transmit data during soft step operation. Wait until soft step operation is finished before transmitting the
data. (It is recommended to set the data transmission interval of approximately twice the soft step setting time.)
(4) Do not transmit soft mute or soft step operation data during zero cross operation (when data is set while zero
cross is set to “ON”).
Wait until zero cross operation is finished before transmitting soft mute or soft step data. Set the data
transmission interval to be equal or longer that the zero cross timer setting time.
(Recommended interval: Zero cross timer setting time +10ms)
(5) When performing BASS control or MID control in soft step mode, transmit data with the step level interval set
to the minimum resolution possible.
2) Notes when setting the mode
(1) When performing soft step control, always set REG12 (soft step setting time) and REG13 (soft step operation
“ON”) before transmitting the BASS control and MID control step data.
(The soft step setting time and soft step operation setting data are transmitted one time in the initial stage, and
the soft step mode is maintained thereafter until the power is turned off or the soft step setting time or soft step
operation setting is changed. Therefore, there is no need to repeatedly transmit the soft step setting time or soft
step operation setting data.)
(2) When performing zero cross control, always set REG7 (zero cross detection “ON,” zero cross detection block
selection) before transmitting the input selection switching control, input gain control, main volume control,
treble control and fader control step data.
(The zero cross detection and zero cross detection block selection setting data are transmitted one time in the
initial stage, and the zero cross detection mode is maintained thereafter until the power is turned off or the zero
cross detection or zero cross detection block selection setting is changed. Therefore, there is no need to
repeatedly transmit the zero cross detection or zero cross detection block selection setting data.)