Zero Current Comparator
The zero current comparator monitors the inductor cur-
rent to the output and shuts off the synchronous rectier
when this current reduces to approximately 30mA. This
prevents the inductor current from reversing in polarity,
improving efciency at light loads.
Synchronous Rectier
To control inrush current and to prevent the inductor
current from running away when VOUT is close to VIN, the
P-channel MOSFET synchronous rectier is only enabled
when VOUT > (VIN + 0.24V).
Anti-Ringing Control
The anti-ringing control connects a resistor across the
inductor to prevent high frequency ringing on the SW pin
during discontinuous current mode operation. Although
the ringing of the resonant circuit formed by L and CSW
(capacitance on SW pin) is low energy, it can cause EMI
Output Disconnect
The LTC3526-2/LTC3526B-2 are designed to allow true
output disconnect by eliminating body diode conduction
of the internal P-channel MOSFET rectier. This allows for
VOUT to go to zero volts during shutdown, drawing no cur-
rent from the input source. It also allows for inrush current
limiting at turn-on, minimizing surge currents seen by the
input supply. Note that to obtain the advantages of output
disconnect, there must not be an external Schottky diode
connected between the SW pin and VOUT. The output dis-
connect feature also allows VOUT to be pulled high, without
any reverse current into a battery connected to VIN.
Thermal Shutdown
If the die temperature exceeds 160°C, the LTC3526-2/
LTC3526B-2 will go into thermal shutdown. All switches
will be off and the soft-start capacitor will be discharged.
The device will be enabled again when the die temperature
drops by about 15°C.
The LTC3526-2 will automatically enter Burst Mode opera-
tion at light load and return to xed frequency PWM mode
when the load increases. Refer to the Typical Performance
Characteristics to see the output load Burst Mode thresh-
old current vs VIN. The load current at which Burst Mode
operation is entered can be changed by adjusting the
inductor value. Raising the inductor value will lower the
load current at which Burst Mode operation is entered.
In Burst Mode operation, the LTC3526-2 still switches at
a xed frequency of 2MHz, using the same error amplier
and loop compensation for peak current mode control.
This control method eliminates any output transient when
switching between modes. In Burst Mode operation, en-
ergy is delivered to the output until it reaches the nominal
regulation value, then the LTC3526-2 transitions to sleep
mode where the outputs are off and the LTC3526-2 con-
sumes only 9A of quiescent current from VOUT. When
the output voltage droops slightly, switching resumes.
This maximizes efciency at very light loads by minimiz-
ing switching and quiescent losses. Burst Mode output
voltage ripple, which is typically 1% peak-to-peak, can
be reduced by using more output capacitance (10F or
greater), or with a small capacitor (10pF to 50pF) con-
nected between VOUT and FB.
As the load current increases, the LTC3526-2 will automati-
cally leave Burst Mode operation. Note that larger output
capacitor values may cause this transition to occur at lighter
loads. Once the LTC3526-2 has left Burst Mode operation
and returned to normal operation, it will remain there until
the output load is reduced below the burst threshold.
Burst Mode operation is inhibited during start-up and soft-
start and until VOUT is at least 0.24V greater than VIN.
The LTC3526B-2 features continuous PWM operation at
2MHz. At very light loads, the LTC3526B-2 will exhibit
pulse-skip operation.
(Refer to Block Diagram)