Rugged Environment
AC-DC Converters >100 Watt
T Series
Edition 4/4.99
The Power Partners.
Description of Options
D Remote Bus Voltage Monitoring
This option is designed for systems using Melcher back-
planes or is inteded for use in applications where a fuse or a
decoupling diode is fitted into the positive supply line to the
system bus. The status of the system bus/battery voltage
can be monitored rather than the output status of a single T
unit. To maintain the adjustment capabilities and resistor
values for setting the different threshold values a 43.2 k
(21.5 k
) resistor should be fitted into the sense line to the
bus. If the D set pin is left open the T unit signals perma-
nently Low Bus Voltage.
(See also:
Power Down as well as data sheet: Back Planes
for the T Series)
F Externally Accessible Fuse
The standard T units have internally a 5
× 20 mm fuse
which is externally not accessible. Some applications re-
quire an externally accessible fuse. Option F provides a
fuse mounted on the back plate neer the converter. The full
self-protecting functions of the module do normally not lead
to broken fuses, except as a result of overvoltage at the in-
put or if a power component inside fails (switching transis-
tor, freewheeling diode, etc.). In such cases the defective
unit has to be returned to Melcher for repair.
B1 Cooling Plate
If a cooling surface is available the T 1000 units can be pro-
vided with a mounting plate (option B1) instead of the
standard heat sink fitted to the right hand side of the unit.
Since approximately 50% of the losses have to be dissi-
pated through the heat sink on the left hand side sufficient
free air flow has still to be provided.
A variety of electrical and mechanical accessories are
available, including:
– Front panels for 19" rack mounting, Schroff system
– Mating H15 connectors with screw, solder, fast-on or
pressfit terminals
– Connector retention facilities
– Code key system for connector coding
– 19" racks for system integration
– Back planes for system integration
– Temperature sensors for battery charging
For more detailed information refer to:
Accessory Products.
Back planes for system intergration
19" Rack
H15 female connector
Code system
Front panels