Figure 3.Trim Connections Using a Trimpot
LSN-1/10-D3 Trim Equations
LSN-1.2/10-D3, LSN-1.25/10-D3 Trim Equations
Note: Resistor values are in k
. Accuracy of adjustment is subject to
tolerances of resistors and factory-adjusted, initial output accuracy.
VO = desired output voltage. VO
NOM = nominal output voltage.
LSN-1.5/10-D3, LSN-1.8/10-D3,
LSN-2/10-D3, LSN-2.5/10-D3 Trim Equations
Figure 4.Trim Connections Using Fixed Resistors
Note: Install either a fixed trim-up resistor or a fixed trim-down resistor
depending upon desired output voltage.
Trim Up
Output Reverse Conduction
Many DC/DC converters using synchronous rectification suffer from Output
Reverse Conduction. If those devices have a voltage applied across their
output before a voltage is applied to their input (this typically occurs when
another power supply starts before them in a power-sequenced application),
Output Voltage Trimming
Allowable trim ranges for each model in the LSN D3 SIP Series are ±10%.
Trimming is accomplished with either a trimpot or a single fixed resistor. The
trimpot should be connected between +Output and Common with its wiper
connected to the Trim pin as shown in Figure 3 below.
A trimpot can be used to determine the value of a single fixed resistor
which can then be connected, as shown in Figure 4, between the Trim pin
and +Output to trim down the output voltage, or between the Trim pin and
Common to trim up the output voltage. Fixed resistors should have absolute
TCR’s less than 100ppm/°C to ensure stability.
Output Overvoltage Protection
LSN D3 SIP Series DC/DC converters do not incorporate output overvolt-
age protection. In the extremely rare situation in which the device’s feedback
loop is broken, the output voltage may run to excessively high levels (VOUT =
VIN). If it is absolutely imperative that you protect your load against any and
all possible overvoltage situations, voltage limiting circuitry must be provided
external to the power converter.
Output Overcurrent Detection
Overloading the output of a power converter for an extended period of time
will invariably cause internal component temperatures to exceed their maxi-
mum ratings and eventually lead to component failure. High-current-carrying
components such as inductors, FET's and diodes are at the highest risk. LSN
D3 SIP Series DC/DC converters incorporate an output overcurrent detection
and shutdown function that serves to protect both the power converter and
its load.
If the output current exceeds it maximum rating by typically 60% (16 Amps)
or if the output voltage drops to less than 98% of it original value, the
LSN D3's internal overcurrent-detection circuitry immediately turns off the
converter, which then goes into a "hiccup" mode. While hiccupping, the
converter will continuously attempt to restart itself, go into overcurrent, and
then shut down. Under these conditions, the average output current will be
approximately 400mA, and the average input current will be approximately
70mA. Once the output short is removed, the converter will automatically
restart itself.
Figure 2a. Inverting On/Off Control Pin Signal and Power-Up Sequencing
For a controlled start-up of one or more LSN-D3's, or if several output volt-
ages need to be powered-up in a given sequence, the On/Off Control pin can
be pulled high (external pull-up resistor, converter disabled) and then driven
low with an external open collector device to enable the converter.
The equations below can be used as starting points for selecting specific trim-
resistor values. Recall, untrimmed devices are guaranteed to be ±1% accurate.
Adjustment beyond the specified ±10% adjustment range is not recommended.
LSN-10A D3 Models
Single Output, Non-Isolated, 3.3VIN, 1-2.5VOUT, 10A, DC/DC's in SIP Packages
Technical enquiries email: sales@murata-ps.com, tel: +1 508 339 3000
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