Application Hints (Continued)
When synchronizing the LM2670EP with an external clock it
is recommended to connect the clock to pin 5 through a
series 100pf capacitor and connect a 1K
resistor to ground
from pin 5. This RC network creates a short 100nS pulse on
each positive edge of the clock to reset the internal ramp
oscillator. The reset time of the oscillator is approximately
When the output voltage is greater than approximately 6V,
and the duty cycle at minimum input voltage is greater than
approximately 50%, the designer should exercise caution in
selection of the output filter components. When an applica-
tion designed to these specific operating conditions is sub-
jected to a current limit fault condition, it may be possible to
observe a large hysteresis in the current limit. This can affect
the output voltage of the device until the load current is
reduced sufficiently to allow the current limit protection circuit
to reset itself.
Under current limiting conditions, the LM267x is designed to
respond in the following manner:
At the moment when the inductor current reaches the
current limit threshold, the ON-pulse is immediately ter-
minated. This happens for any application condition.
However, the current limit block is also designed to
momentarily reduce the duty cycle to below 50% to
avoid subharmonic oscillations, which could cause the
inductor to saturate.
Thereafter, once the inductor current falls below the
current limit threshold, there is a small relaxation time
during which the duty cycle progressively rises back
above 50% to the value required to achieve regulation.
If the output capacitance is sufficiently ‘large’, it may be
possible that as the output tries to recover, the output ca-
pacitor charging current is large enough to repeatedly re-
trigger the current limit circuit before the output has fully
settled. This condition is exacerbated with higher output
voltage settings because the energy requirement of the out-
put capacitor varies as the square of the output voltage
2), thus requiring an increased charging current.
A simple test to determine if this condition might exist for a
suspect application is to apply a short circuit across the
output of the converter, and then remove the shorted output
condition. In an application with properly selected external
components, the output will recover smoothly.
Practical values of external components that have been
experimentally found to work well under these specific oper-
ating conditions are C
OUT = 47F, L = 22H. It should be
noted that even with these components, for a device’s cur-
rent limit of I
CLIM, the maximum load current under which the
possibility of the large current limit hysteresis can be mini-
mized is I
CLIM/2. For example, if the input is 24V and the set
output voltage is 18V, then for a desired maximum current of
1.5A, the current limit of the chosen switcher must be con-
firmed to be at least 3A.
Using the nomographs and tables in this data sheet (or use
the available design software at http://www.national.com) a
complete step-down regulator can be designed in a few
simple steps.
Step 1: Define the power supply operating conditions:
Required output voltage
Maximum DC input voltage
Maximum output load current
Step 2: Set the output voltage by selecting a fixed output
LM2670EP (3.3V, 5V or 12V applications) or determine the
required feedback resistors for use with the adjustable
Step 3: Determine the inductor required by using one of the
vides a specific manufacturer and part number for the induc-
Step 4: Using Table 3 (fixed output voltage) or Table 6
(adjustable output voltage), determine the output capaci-
tance required for stable operation. Table 2 provides the
specific capacitor type from the manufacturer of choice.
Step 5: Determine an input capacitor from Table 4 for fixed
output voltage applications. Use Table 2 to find the specific
capacitor type. For adjustable output circuits select a capaci-
tor from Table 2 with a sufficient working voltage (WV) rating
greater than Vin max, and an rms current rating greater than
one-half the maximum load current (2 or more capacitors in
parallel may be required).
Step 6: Select a diode from Table 5. The current rating of the
diode must be greater than I load max and the Reverse
Voltage rating must be greater than Vin max.
Step 7: Include a 0.01F/50V capacitor for Cboost in the
A system logic power supply bus of 3.3V is to be generated
from a wall adapter which provides an unregulated DC volt-
age of 13V to 16V. The maximum load current is 2.5A.
Through-hole components are preferred.
Step 1: Operating conditions are:
Vout = 3.3V
Vin max = 16V
Iload max = 2.5A
Step 2: Select an LM2670T-3.3EP. The output voltage will
have a tolerance of
±2% at room temperature and ±3% over the full operating
temperature range.
Step 3: Use the nomograph for the 3.3V device
,Figure 3. The intersection of the 16V horizontal line (V
in max) and the
2.5A vertical line (I
load max) indicates that L33, a 22H
inductor, is required.
From Table 1, L33 in a through-hole component is available
from Renco with part number RL-1283-22-43 or part number
PE-53933 from Pulse Engineering.
Step 4: Use Table 3 to determine an output capacitor. With a
3.3V output and a 22H inductor there are four through-hole
output capacitor solutions with the number of same type
capacitors to be paralleled and an identifying capacitor code
given. Table 2 provides the actual capacitor characteristics.
Any of the following choices will work in the circuit:
1 x 220F/10V Sanyo OS-CON (code C5)
1 x 1000F/35V Sanyo MV-GX (code C10)
1 x 2200F/10V Nichicon PL (code C5)
1 x 1000F/35V Panasonic HFQ (code C7)
Step 5: Use Table 4 to select an input capacitor. With 3.3V
output and 22H there are three through-hole solutions.
These capacitors provide a sufficient voltage rating and an