All Output Voltage Versions
Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions under which of the device is
guaranteed. Operating Ratings do not imply guaranteed performance limits. For guaranteed performance limits and associated test condition, see the electrical
Characteristics tables.
Note 2: ESD was applied using the human-body model, a 100pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5 k
resistor into each pin.
Note 3: Typical values are determined with TA =TJ = 25C and represent the most likely norm.
Note 4: All limits are guaranteed at room temperature (standard type face) and at temperature extremes (bold type face). All room temperature limits are 100%
tested during production with TA =TJ = 25C. All limits at temperature extremes are guaranteed via correlation using standard standard Quality Control (SQC)
methods. All limits are used to calculate Average Outgoing Quality Level (AOQL).
Note 5: Junction to ambient thermal resistance (no external heat sink) for the 7 lead TO-220 package mounted vertically, with 12 inch leads in a socket, or on a PC
board with minimum copper area.
Note 6: Junction to ambient thermal resistance (no external heat sink) for the 7 lead TO-220 package mounted vertically, with 12 inch leads soldered to a PC board
containing approximately 4 square inches of (1 oz.) copper area surrounding the leads.
Note 7: Junction to ambient thermal resistance for the 7 lead TO-263 mounted horizontally against a PC board area of 0.136 square inches (the same size as the
TO-263 package) of 1 oz. (0.0014 in. thick) copper.
Note 8: Junction to ambient thermal resistance for the 7 lead TO-263 mounted horizontally against a PC board area of 0.4896 square inches (3.6 times the area
of the TO-263 package) of 1 oz. (0.0014 in. thick) copper.
Note 9: Junction to ambient thermal resistance for the 7 lead TO-263 mounted horizontally against a PC board copper area of 1.0064 square inches (7.4 times the
area of the TO-263 package) of 1 oz. (0.0014 in. thick) copper. Additional copper area will reduce thermal resistance further. See the thermal model in Switchers
Made Simple software.
Note 10: Junction to ambient thermal resistance for the 14-lead LLP mounted on a PC board copper area equal to the die attach paddle.
Note 11: Junction to ambient thermal resistance for the 14-lead LLP mounted on a PC board copper area using 12 vias to a second layer of copper equal to die
attach paddle. Additional copper area will reduce thermal resistance further. For layout recommendations, refer to Application Note AN-1187.