7 Register Description
ST bit is used to activate the self test function. When the bit is set to one, an output change will
occur to the device outputs (refer to table 2 and 3 for specification) thus allowing to check the
functionality of the whole measurement chain.
Zen bit enables the Z-axis measurement channel when set to 1. The default value is 1.
Yen bit enables the Y-axis measurement channel when set to 1. The default value is 1.
Xen bit enables the X-axis measurement channel when set to 1. The default value is 1.
CTRL_REG2 (21h)
FS bit is used to select Full Scale value. After the device power-up the default full scale value is
+/-2g. In order to obtain a +/-6g full scale it is necessary to set FS bit to ‘1’.
BDU bit is used to inhibit output registers update until both upper and lower register parts are
read. In default mode (BDU= ‘0’) the output register values are updated continuously. If for any
reason it is not sure to read faster than output data rate it is recommended to set BDU bit to ‘1’.
In this way the content of output registers is not updated until both MSB and LSB are read
avoiding to read values related to different sample time.
BLE bit is used to select Big Endian or Little Endian representation for output registers. In Big
Endian’s one MSB acceleration value is located at addresses 28h (X-axis), 2Ah (Y-axis) and
2Ch (Z-axis) while LSB acceleration value is located at addresses 29h (X-axis), 2Bh (Y-axis)
and 2Dh (Z-axis). In Little Endian representation (Default, BLE=‘0‘) the order is inverted (refer
to data register description for more details).
BOOT bit is used to refresh the content of internal registers stored in the flash memory block.
At the device power up the content of the flash memory block is transferred to the internal
registers related to trimming functions to permit a good behavior of the device itself. If for any
reason the content of trimming registers was changed it is sufficient to use this bit to restore
correct values. When BOOT bit is set to ‘1’ the content of internal flash is copied inside
corresponding internal registers and it is used to calibrate the device. These values are factory
Full Scale selection
(0: ±2g; 1: ±6g)
Block Data Update
(0: continuous update; 1: output registers not updated until MSB and LSB reading)
Big/Little Endian selection
(0: little endian; 1: big endian)
Reboot memory content
Interrupt ENable
(0: data ready on RDY pad; 1: int req on RDY pad)
Enable Data-Ready generation
SPI Serial Interface Mode selection
(0: 4-wire interface; 1: 3-wire interface)
Data Alignment Selection
(0: 12 bit right justified; 1: 16 bit left justified)