(refer to the block diagram)
The L296 and L296P are monolithic stepdown
switching regulators providing output voltages from
5.1V to 40V and delivering 4A.
The regulationloop consists of a sawtoothoscillator,
error amplifier, comparatorand the outputstage. An
error signal is produced by comparing the output
voltage with a precise 5.1V on-chipreference(zener
zap trimmed to
± 2 %). This error signalis thencom-
pared with the sawtooth signal to generate the fixed
frequencypulse width modulatedpulseswhich drive
the output stage.The gain and frequencystability of
the loop can be adjusted by an externalRC network
connectedto pin9. Closing the loop directlygives an
outputvoltageof 5.1V.Higher voltagesare obtained
by inserting a voltage divider.
Output overcurrents at switch on are prevented by
the soft start function. The error amplifier output is
initially clamped by the external capacitor Css and
allowed to rise, linearly, as this capacitor is charged
by a constant current source.
Outputoverloadprotection is provided in the form of
a current limiter. The load current is sensed by an
internal metal resistor connected to a comparator.
When the load current exceeds a preset threshold
this comparator sets a flip flop which disables the
outputstage and discharges the soft start capacitor.
A second comparator resets the flip flop when the
voltage across the soft start capacitor has fallen to
0.4V. The output stage is thus re-enabled and the
output voltage rises under control of the soft start
network. If the overload condition is still present the
limiter will trigger again when the threshold current
is reached. The average short circuit current is lim-
ited to a safe value by the dead time introduced by
the soft start network.
The reset circuit generates an output signal when
the supply voltage exceeds a threshold pro-
grammed by an external divider. The reset signal is
generated with a delay time programmed by an ex-
ternal capacitor. When the supply falls below the
threshold the reset output goes low immediately.
The reset output is an open collector.
The scrowbar circuit senses the output voltage and
the crowbar output can provide a current of 100mA
to switch on an externalSCR. This SCR is triggered
when the output voltage exceeds the nominal by
20%. There is no internal connection between the
outputand crowbar sense input thereforethe crow-
bar can monitor either the input or the output.
A TTL - level inhibit input is provided for applications
such as remote on/offcontrol. This input is activated
by high logic level and disables circuit operation. Af-
ter an inhibit the L296 restarts under control of the
soft start network.
The thermal overload circuit disables circuit opera-
tion when the junction temperature reaches about
°C and has hysteresis to prevent unstablecon-
Figure 1 : Reset Output Waveforms
L296 - L296P