Rev. 5.2/May 01
While the Automatic Erase algorithm is operating,
successive read cycles at any address cause
DQ[6] to toggle. DQ[6] stops toggling when the
erase operation is complete or when the device is
placed in the Erase Suspend mode. The host may
use DQ[2] to determine which sectors are erasing
or erase-suspended (see below). After an Erase
command sequence is written, if all sectors se-
lected for erasing are protected, DQ[6] toggles for
approximately 100 μs, then returns to reading ar-
ray data. If at least one selected sector is not
protected, the Automatic Erase algorithm erases
the unprotected sectors, and ignores the selected
sectors that are protected.
In the current version of the device, unreliable
testing of DQ[6] for erase completion may occur if the
test is done before the Sector Erase Timer (DQ[3]) has
expired. It is recommended that for erase operations
the DQ[6] test be delayed for a minimum of 100 μs or
until after DQ[3] switches from a
to a
. This anomaly
will be corrected in a future revision of the device.
DQ[2] - Toggle Bit II
Toggle Bit II, DQ[2], when used with DQ[6], indi-
cates whether a particular sector is actively eras-
ing or whether that sector is erase-suspended.
Toggle Bit II is valid after the rising edge of the
final WE# pulse in the command sequence. The
device toggles DQ[2] with each OE# or CE# read
DQ[2] toggles when the host reads at addresses
within sectors that have been selected for erasure,
but cannot distinguish whether the sector is ac-
tively erasing or is erase-suspended. DQ[6], by
comparison, indicates whether the device is ac-
tively erasing or is in Erase Suspend, but cannot
distinguish which sectors are selected for erasure.
Thus, both status bits are required for sector and
mode information.
Figure 8 illustrates the operation of Toggle Bits I
and II.
DQ[5] - Exceeded Timing Limits
DQ[5] is set to a
when the program or erase
time has exceeded a specified internal pulse count
limit. This is a failure condition that indicates that
the program or erase cycle was not successfully
completed. DQ[5] status is valid only while DQ[7]
or DQ[6] indicate that the Automatic Algorithm is
in progress.
The DQ[5] failure condition will also be signaled if
the host tries to program a
to a location that is
previously programmed to
, since only an erase
operation can change a
to a
For both of these conditions, the host must issue
a Read/Reset command to return the device to
the Read mode.
DQ[3] - Sector Erase Timer
After writing a Sector Erase command sequence,
the host may read DQ[3] to determine whether or
not an erase operation has begun. When the
sector erase time-out expires and the sector erase
operation commences, DQ[3] switches from a
to a
. Refer to the
Sector Erase Command
section for additional information. Note that the
Read DQ[7:0]
at Valid Address (Note 1)
DQ[7] = Data
DQ[5] = 1
Test for DQ[7] = 1
for Erase Operation
Read DQ[7:0]
at Valid Address (Note 1)
DQ[7] = Data
(Note 2)
Test for DQ[7] = 1
for Erase Operation
1. During programming, the program address.
During sector erase, an address within any non-protected sector
scheduled for erasure.
During chip erase, an address within any non-protected sector.
2. Recheck DQ[7] since it may change asynchronously at the same time
as DQ[5].
Figure 7. Data# Polling Test Algorithm