Rev. 1.00
March 16, 2006
Functional Description
The HT93LC86 is accessed via a three-wire serial com-
munication interface. The device is arranged into 1024
words by 16 bits or 2048 words by 8 bits depending
whether the ORG pin is connected to VCC or VSS. The
HT93LC86 contains seven instructions: READ, ERASE,
user selectable internal organization is arranged into
1024 16 (2048 8), these instructions are all made up of
13(14) bits data: 1 start bit, 2 op code bits and 10(11) ad-
dress bits.
By using the control signal CS, SK and data input signal
DI, these instructions can be transmitted to the
HT93LC86. These serial instruction data presented at
the DI input will be written into the device on the rising
edge of SK. During the READ cycle, the DO pin acts as
the data output and during the WRITE or ERASE cycle,
the DO pin indicates the BUSY/READY status. When
the DO pin is active for reading data or as a
BUSY/READY indicator the CS pin must be high; other-
wise the DO pin will be in a high-impedance state. For
successful instruction execution, CS must be pulled low
once after the instruction is sent. After power on, the de-
vice is by default in the EWDS state. An EWEN instruc-
tion must be performed before any ERASE or WRITE
instruction can be executed. The following are the func-
tional descriptions and timing diagrams of all seven in-
The READ instruction will stream out data at a specified
address on the DO pin. The data on DO pin changes
during the low-to-high edge of SK signal. The 8 bit or 16
bit data stream is preceded by a logical 0 dummy bit.
Irrespective of the condition of the EWEN or EWDS in-
struction, the READ command is always valid and inde-
pendent of these two instructions. After the data word
has been read the internal address will be automatically
incremented by 1 allowing the next consecutive data
word to be read out without entering further address
data. The address will wrap around with CS High until
CS returns to LOW.
The EWEN/EWDS instruction will enable or disable the
programming capabilities. At both the power on and
power off state the device automatically enters the disable
mode. Before a WRITE, ERASE, WRAL or ERAL instruc-
tion is given, the programming enable instruction EWEN
must be issued, otherwise any ERASE/WRITE instruc-
tions will be invalid. After the EWEN instruction is issued,
can be written into the device in the programming disable
state. By so doing, the internal memory data can be pro-
The ERASE instruction erases data at the specified ad-
dresses in the programming enable mode. After the
ERASE op-code and the specified address have been
issued, the data erase is activated by the falling edge of
CS. Since the internal auto-timing generator provides all
timing signals for the internal erase, the SK clock is not
required. During the internal erase, the busy/ready sta-
tus can be verified by keeping CS high. If busy, the DO
pin will remain low but when the operation is over, the
DO pin will return to a high level permitting further in-
structions to be executed.
The WRITE instruction writes data into the device at the
specified addresses in the programming enable mode.
After the WRITE op-code and the specified address and
data have been issued, the data writing is activated by
the falling edge of CS. Since the internal auto-timing
generator provides all timing signal for the internal writ-
ing, the SK clock is not required. The auto-timing write
cycle includes an automatic erase-before-write capabil-
ity. It is therefore not necessary to erase data before the
WRITE instruction is issued. During the internal writing,
the busy/ready status can be verified by keeping CS
high. If busy, the DO pin will remain low but when the
operation is over, the DO pin will return to a high level
permitting further instructions to be executed.
The ERAL instruction erases the entire 1024 16 or
2048 8 memory cells to a logical 1 state in the pro-
gramming enable mode. After the erase-all instruction
has been issued, the data erase feature is activated by
the falling edge of CS. Since the internal auto-timing
generator provides all timing signal for the erase-all op-
eration, the SK clock is not required. During the internal
erase-all operation, the busy/ready status can be veri-
fied by keeping CS high. If busy, the DO pin will remain
lowbutwhenthe operationisover,theDOpinwillreturn
to a high level permitting further instructions to be exe-
The WRAL instruction writes data into the entire
1024 16 or 2048 8 memory cells in the programming
enable mode. After the write-all instruction set has been
issued, the data writing is activated by the falling edge of
CS. Since the internal auto-timing generator provides all
timing signals for the write-all operation, the SK clock is
not required. During the internal write-all operation, the
busy/ready status can be verified by keeping CS high. If
busy, the DO pin will remain low but when the operation
is over, the DO pin will return to a high level permitting
further instructions to be executed.