April 10, 2000
Intermediate frequency (IF) decoder part
The figure below shows a simplified block dia-
gram for a double-conversion super heterodyne
FM receiver. Heterodyne means to mix two fre-
quencies together in a non linear device or to
translate one frequency to another using non
linear mixing. The super heterodyne receiver is
an improvement over other receiver in gain, se-
lectivity, and sensitivity characteristics.
The super heterodyne receiver is divided into
five parts:
RF section. Generally consists of a preselector
and an amplifier stage.
Mixer conversion section. Includes a ra-
dio-frequency oscillator stage (commonly
known as a local oscillator) and a mixer con-
version stage (commonly known as a fre-
quency detector) to produce the IF signal.
The IF section. Generally consists of a series of
IF amplifiers and bandpass filters and known
lectivity is achieved in the IF section.
The FM demodulator section: The quadrature
FM demodulator uses a 90 phase shift, a sin-
gle tuned circuit, and a product detector to de-
modulate the FM signals.
comprises several cascaded audio amplifiers
and one or more speakers. The number of am-
plifiers used depends on the audio signal
power desired.
A Mixer is a non linear device whose purpose
is to convert radio frequencies (RF) to inter-
mediate frequency (IF) (RF-to-IF frequency
translation). In the frequency conversion pro-
cess, RF signals are combined with the local
oscillator frequency in a non linear device.
The output of the mixer contains an infinite
number of harmonic and cross-product fre-
quencies which include the sum and the dif-
ference between the desired RF carrier and
the local oscillator frequencies. The IF
band-pass filter are tuned to the different fre-
quencies. Therefore, the IF signal is filtered
out by the BPF. In the HT9015 the double con-
version method (Figure 4) is applied to pro-
duce the lower IF.
The first IF is a relatively high frequency
(10.7MHz), for good image-frequency rejec-
tion, while the second IF is a relatively low
frequency (455kHz) that allows the IF ampli-
fiers to have a relatively high gain and still
not be susceptible to oscillations.
* / &
1 + , 0 *
+ " " " +
"" + *
& & /
" # & & /
A : + * B
" #
" #
- . + # + .
! ++
Figure 5 Intermediate frequency decoder block
" # & & /
A : + * B
+ , /
A $ 6 C D B
A > C D B
+ , /
" #
& & /
Figure 4 The illustration of mixers