Functional Description
The HT812L0 is a voice and melody synthesizer
LSI with 2.8-second voice capacity at 6kHz
sampling rate and 32 sections of sound ef-
fects/simple melodies. The 2.8 seconds of voice
capacity can be divided into sections of arbi-
trary length. Notice that the silence length is
not included in the memory. As for the 32-sec-
tion tone table, various sound effects can be
The HT812L0 provides a maximum of 8 keys, 2
status indicator driving pins and a current type
D/A output. Of the 8 keys, only K E Y1 can be
optioned as a sequential (random) or a direct
key. The remaining 7 keys (K E Y2~K E Y8) are
used as direct keys exclusively or by mask op-
tion as matrix key input (4
Voice section and group
Voice section
The total synthesized voice contents (2.8 sec-
onds) can be partitioned into the desired num-
ber of sections depending on the size of the
ROM table. The length of each section is de-
cided by the requirements of the voice con-
tents. For example:
Melody section
The HT812L0 provides 32 melody/tone sec-
tions at maximum. E ach section is composed
of 16 tone codes and each code stands for a
period of tone output. The tone frequency en-
velope shape, envelope length and speed of
tone (tempo) are all programmable. There-
fore, a variety of sound effects and melodies
can be generated.
A group can consist of one or more sections
and be made up solely of voice or melody or a
combination of both sounds. The same voice
and melody sections can appear in different
groups, as shown below:
Group 1
sec.1 + sec.2 + Melody.1 + sec.5
Group 2
sec.3 + Melody.2 + Melody.1
Group 3
sec.2 + sec1
Group 4
sec.2 + Melody.3 + sec.4
Group 16
The maximum amount of groups included in
the HT812L0 is decided by the setting of
KE Y1, as described in the following:
K E Y1 as a direct key
When KE Y1 is selected as a direct key, the
maximum amount of groups included in the
HT812L0 is 16. And the sum of the voice and
melody sections of the 16 groups has to be
less than 256. When one of the 8 keys is
triggered, the sections of the corresponding
group is played in sequence.
KE Y1 as a sequential (or random) key
When KE Y1 is set as a sequential (or ran-
dom) key, the maximum amount of groups
included in the HT812L0 can be defined by
the user under the condition that the total
number of the voice and melody sections of
the groups is less than 256. Of the 8 keys,
only KE Y1 can be made up of more than one
group. The remaining 7 keys (KEY2~KEY8)
comprised one group only.
5th May ’98