Rev. 1.10
September 25, 2002
It is recommended that a program not use the CALL
subroutine within the interrupt subroutine. It s because
interrupts often occur in an unpredictable manner or re-
quire to be serviced immediately in some applications.
At this time, if only one stack is left, and enabling the in-
terrupt is not well controlled, operation of the call in the
interrupt subroutine may damage the original control se-
Oscillator configuration
The device provides three oscillator circuits for system
clocks, i.e., RC oscillator, crystal oscillator and 32768Hz
crystal oscillator, determined by options. No matter what
type of oscillator is selected, the signal is used for the
system clock. The HALT mode stops the system oscilla-
tor (RC and crystal oscillator only) and ignores external
signal to conserve power. The 32768Hz crystal oscilla-
tor (system oscillator) still runs at HALT mode. If the
32768Hz crystal oscillator is selected as the system os-
cillator, the system oscillator is not stopped; but the in-
struction execution is stopped. Since the
system oscillator or oscillator) is also designed for tim-
ing purposes, the internal timing (RTC, time base, WDT)
operation still runs even if the system enters the HALT
(used as
Of the three oscillators, if the RC oscillator is used, an
external resistor between OSC1 and VSS is required,
and the range of the resistance should be from 24k
for HT49R30A-1/HT49C30-1 and from 560k
available on OSC2 with pull-high resistor, which can be
used to synchronize external logic. The RC oscillator
provides the most cost effective solution. However, the
frequency of the oscillation may vary with VDD, temper-
ature, and the chip itself due to process variations. It is
therefore, not suitable for timing sensitive operations
where accurate oscillator frequency is desired.
for HT49C30L. The system clock, divided by 4, is
On the other hand, if the crystal oscillator is selected, a
feedback and phase shift required for the oscillator, and
no other external components are required. A resonator
may be connected between OSC1 and OSC2 to replace
the crystal and to get a frequency reference, but two ex-
ternal capacitors in OSC1 and OSC2 are required.
There is another oscillator circuit designed for the real
time clock. In this case, only the 32.768kHz crystal oscil-
lator can be applied. The crystal should be connected
between OSC3 and OSC4.
The RTC oscillator circuit can be controlled to oscillate
quickly by setting the QOSC bit (bit 4 of RTCC). It is
recommended to turn on the quick oscillating function
upon power on, and then turn it off after 2 seconds.
The WDT oscillator is a free running on-chip RC oscilla-
tor, and no external components are required. Although
the system enters the power down mode, the system
clock stops, and the WDT oscillator still works with a pe-
riod of approximately 78 s. The WDT oscillator can be
disabled by options to conserve power.
Watchdog Timer
The WDT clock source is implemented by a dedicated
RC oscillator (WDT oscillator) or an instruction clock
(system clock/4) or a real time clock oscillator (RTC os-
cillator). The timer is designed to prevent a software
malfunction or sequence from jumping to an unknown
location with unpredictable results. The WDT can be
disabled by options. But if the WDT is disabled, all exe-
cutions related to the WDT lead to no operation.
The WDT time-out period is f
~ f
If the WDT clock source chooses the internal WDT oscil-
lator, the time-out period may vary with temperature,
VDD, and process variations. On the other hand, if the
clock source selects the instruction clock and the
HALT instruction is executed, WDT may stop counting
and lose its protecting purpose, and the logic can only
be restarted by an external logic.
When the device operates in a noisy environment, using
the on-chip RC oscillator (WDT OSC) is strongly recom-
mended, since the HALT can stop the system clock.
The WDT overflow under normal operation initializes a
chip reset and sets the status bit TO . In the HALT
mode, the overflow initializes a warm reset , and only
the PC and SP are reset to zero. To clear the contents of
the WDT, there are three methods to be adopted, i.e.,
System oscillator