The relative timing relationship
between the output re-timed data
and the recovered clock signals
is shown graphically in Figure 1.
Fundamentally, the rising edge of
the Clock and the falling edge of
the clock bar will occur at the
center of the Data or Data-bar
baud interval. Conversely, the
Clock falling edge and the Clock-
bar rising edge will be at the
edges of the Data or Data-bar
baud interval.
For input optical power greater
than the specified receiver sensi-
tivity of -26 dBm, the bit-error-
ratio will be better than 1 x 10
As the input power is decreased
by several dB, the bit-error-ratio
degrades. Within 1 dB below the
1 x 10
BER input optical power
level, the CDR will begin to lose
lock and the clock frequency will
drift from 622.08 MHz. Once
the CDR loses lock, the clock fre-
quency will sweep in the entire
VCO range, about 540 to 700 MHz.
The rate of the sweep will depend
on the input optical power. The
sweep rate gets faster the lower
the input optical power is. Once
the input optical power is 2 dB
below the lock point, the sweep
rate approaches the maximum.
At this point the clock and data
outputs look no different than the
case with no input optical power.
There will be a data edge for every
clock edge. The data output will
consist of randomly switching
data bits, i.e., noise.
Detailed Description of
Receiver Signal Detect Feature
As the input optical power is
decreased, Signal Detect will
switch from high to low (de-assert
point) somewhere between 3 dB
below sensitivity and the no light
input level. As the input optical
power is increased from very low
levels, Signal Detect will switch
from low to high (assert point)
somewhere between 2 dB below
sensitivity and no input optical
power at all. The assert level will
be at least 1.0 dB higher than the
de-assert level.
Optional Local Clock
In applications where the receiver
recovered clock frequency is not
allowed to drift upon loss of input
optical signal, this transceiver
has the ability to generate a local
clock output by multiplying an
optional, external 19.44 MHz
reference clock up to the OC-12
(622.08 MHz) rate.
This feature is possible because
the clock recovery system con-
sists of two loops: a data loop
which locks onto the incoming
optical data stream, and a second
reference loop which locks onto
the optional external reference
This optional feature is initiated
by applying a Lock-to-Reference
logic low signal to pin 2 (Lck
Ref-) which switches the loop to
the external reference clock and
disables the received data outputs.
Pin 2 (Lck Ref-) can be driven
from the Signal Detect pin 15
(SD) output or from other logic
further upstream in the ATM
interface which may be monitor-
ing the quality of the received
data stream.
Product Variations
Available by Special
Transceiver Without
CDR Function
The HFBR-5208 Transceiver is
available in the smaller 1 x 9 pin-
out package style without integral
Clock and Data Recovery
functions for those designers who
prefer the flexibility of designing
with a different partitioning of the
physical layer interface.
Transceiver Specified
for Wide Temperature
Range Operation
The HFBR-5207 is specified for
operation over normal commercial
temperature range of 0
C to 70
The product has been character-
ized and is available with guaran-
teed performance over wider
temperature ranges by special
Other Members of HP
622 Mb/s Product Family
HFBR-5208, 1300 nm LED-
based transceiver in 1 x 9
package for 500 m links with
MMF cables
CDX2622, 1300 nm laser-based
transceiver with integral clock
and data recovery in 2 x 9
package for links with SMF
XMT5360-622, 1300 nm laser-
based transmitter in pigtailed
package for 2 km and 15 km
links with SMF cables
XMT5160-622, 1300 nm laser-
based transmitter in pigtailed
package for 40 km links with
SMF cables
RCV1201D-622, receiver in
pigtailed package for 2 km,
15 km and 40 km links with
SMF cables
RGR1622, receiver with
integral clock and data
recovery in pigtailed packages
for 2 km, 15 km and 40 km
Links with SMF cables
HP is planning to have a
compatible SMF 1X9 solution
available. Please contact your
HP field sales representative
for additional information.