Notes on Use of Boot Mode
1. When the H8/3434F comes out of reset in boot mode, it measures the low period of the input at
the SCI’s RxD
pin. The reset should end with RxD
high. After the reset ends, it takes about
100 states for the H8/3434F to get ready to measure the low period of the RxD
2. In boot mode, if any data has been programmed into the flash memory (if all data is not H'FF),
all flash memory blocks are erased. Boot mode is for use when user programming mode is
unavailable, e.g. the first time on-board programming is performed, or if the update program
activated in user programming mode is accidentally erased.
3. Interrupts cannot be used while the flash memory is being programmed or erased.
4. The RxD
and TxD
pins should be pulled up on-board.
5. Before branching to the user program (at address H'FBE0 in the RAM area), the H8/3434F
terminates transmit and receive operations by the on-chip SCI (by clearing the RE and TE bits
of the serial control register to 0 in channel 1), but the auto-aligned bit rate remains set in bit
rate register BRR. The transmit data output pin (TxD
) is in the high output state (in port 8, the
bits P8
DDR of the port 8 data direction register and P8
DR of the port 8 data register are set
to 1).
At this time, the values of general registers in the CPU are undetermined. Thus these registers
should be initialized immediately after branching to the user program. Especially in the case of
the stack pointer, which is used implicitly in subroutine calls, the stack area used by the user
program should be specified.
There are no other changes to the initialized values of other registers.
6. Boot mode can be entered by starting from a reset after 12 V is applied to the MD
and FV
pins according to the mode setting conditions listed in table 19.7. Note the following points
when turning the V
power on.
When reset is released (at the rise from low to high), the H8/3434F checks for 12-V input at
the MD
and FV
pins. If it detects that these pins are programmed for boot mode, it saves that
status internally. The threshold point of this voltage-level check is in the range from
approximately V
+ 2 V to 11.4 V, so boot mode will be entered even if the applied voltage is
insufficient for programming or erasure (11.4 V to 12.6 V). When the boot program is
executed, the V
power supply must therefore be stabilized within the range of 11.4 V to
12.6 V before the branch to the RAM area occurs. See figure 19.20.
Make sure that the programming voltage V
does not exceed 12.6 V during the transition to
boot mode (at the reset release timing) and does not go outside the range of 12 V ± 0.6 V while
in boot mode. Boot mode will not be executed correctly if these limits are exceeded. In