Automatic Alignment of SCI Bit Rate
Figure 18-11 Measurement of Low Period in Data Transmitted from Host
When started in boot mode, the H8/3048F measures the low period in asynchronous SCI data
transmitted from the host (figure 18-11). The data format is eight data bits, one stop bit, and no
parity bit. From the measured low period (nine bits), the H8/3048F computes the host’s
transmission bit rate. After aligning its own bit rate, the H8/3048F sends the host one byte of H'00
data to indicate that bit-rate alignment is completed. The host should check that this alignment-
completed indication is received normally, then transmit one H'55 byte. If the host does not receive
a normal alignment-completed indication, the H8/3048F should be reset, then restarted in boot
mode to measure the low period again. There may be some alignment error between the host’s and
H8/3048F’s bit rates, depending on the host’s bit rate and the H8/3048F’s system clock frequency.
To have the SCI operate normally, set the host’s bit rate to a value 2400, 4800 or 9600 bps*
. Table
18-13 lists typical host bit rates and indicates the clock-frequency ranges over which the H8/3048F
can align its bit rate automatically. Boot mode should be used within these frequency ranges.*
Table 18-13 System Clock Frequencies Permitting Automatic Bit-Rate Alignment by
System Clock Frequencies Permitting
Automatic Bit-Rate Alignment by H8/3048F
Host Bit Rate
9600 bps
8 MHz to 16 MHz
4800 bps
4 MHz to 16 MHz
2400 bps
2 MHz to 16 MHz
Notes: 1. Host bit rate settings are 2400, 4800, and 9600 bps; no other settings should be used.
2. Although the H8/3048F may perform automatic bit-rate alignment with combinations
of bit rate and system clock other than those shown in table 18-13, there may be a
discrepancy between the bit rates of the host and the H8/3048F, preventing subsequent
transfer from being performed normally. Boot mode execution should therefore be
confined to the range of combinations shown in table 18-13.
This low period (9 bits) is measured (H'00 data)
High for at
least 1 bit