HD-M Seriesq3 dB 90° Card Couplers
sMounting Method
Figure 1.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
Fastening screw
Microstrip board
Micro stripline
Figure 2.
The three types of mounting methods
illustrated in the diagrams below will
mount the card coupler for use under
optimum conditions.
The fastening screws in the diagrams
are M2 screws tightened to 1.5 kg cm.
When the tip of the micro stripline is of
fluoropolymer material ( r = 2.6), C
chamfering of C1 is performed at t1.6,
and of C0.5 at t1.2.
The side view diagrams of Figure 1 are
illustrated in Figures 2, 3, and 4 below.
Gap S between the card coupler and
the microstrip board surface should be
used to agree with the following
Below 500 MHz ........S≤0.5 mm
500 to 2300 MHz......S≤0.25 mm
Above 2300 MHz......S≤0.15 mm
Metal plate or conductive spacer
qWhen the Ground Board is Constructed of 0.4 mm Stainless and 0.8 mm Aluminum
(When the Thickness of the Microstrip Board is 1.6 or 1.2 mm)
For t1.6 boards, use with the stainless case of the card coupler facing upward. For t1.2 boards,
use with the aluminum case of the card coupler facing upward. Mount and fix the card coupler
with fastening screws as illustrated in Figure 2. Next, solder the tabs and micro stripline, then
(When the Thickness of the Microstrip Board is Greater than 1.6 mm)
Insert a metal plate or a conductive spacer between the coupler and ground, then mount as
illustrated in Figure 3 so that the surface of the tabs and the position of the microstrip board are
equal. Fix the card coupler with fastening screws as illustrated in Figure 3. Next, solder the tabs
and micro stripline, then use.
(When the Thickness of the Microstrip Board is Less than 1.2 mm)
Cut the ground at the position of the coupler and attach so that the surface of the tabs is in
contact with the micro stripline. Fix the card coupler with fastening screws as illustrated in Figure
4. Next, solder the tabs and micro stripline, then use.
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.