Revision 1.3
Mar.22 2001
The range of setting no. is 1~7.
6.24. Lamp Power Control
These are two power control ports for lamp. One is for Flatbed and the other is for XPA (Transparency or film).
The resolution of it’s PWM type is 9 bits. Duty range is 1/512~512/512.
Note : carrier frequency is (system clock)/512.
6.25. 6.25 Sensor Input
The system support home sensor input port.
6.26. 9 GPIO ports
You can set input or output for each GPIO pin separately.
Such as keypads inputs, document sensor for sheet-fed or motor power control…etc.
Note : there are two pins for special function. One is GPIO12,the other is GPIO11.
GPIO12 : 1. Pull up by resister to indicate that ASIC turn on lamp power whenever power on initial.
2. Pull down by resister to indicate that ASIC turn off lamp power whenever power on initial.
3. This pin can control bi-polar motor driver 2916 or 6219 Vref in order to control max. current.
GPIO11 : This pin can control bi-polar motor driver 2916 or 6219 Vref in order to control max. current.
6.27 Lossless Data Compression
A. Support lossless 8 bits image data compression.
B. The best ratio is 4 times.
C. Real-time decompression type.
D. This function can be enabled or disabled by S/W.
6.28. Motor Trigger signal for ADF
Motor trigger signal for ADF motor moving ,can be controlled under scanning condition.
6.29. Operation Mode
There is 9 mode to operate this chip.
A. Mode1 : SC+AFE+USB1.1------------------------------------- three in one
B. Mode2 : SC+USB1.1 ------------------------------------------- external AFE
C. Mode3 : SC+AFE(for IEEE1394) ---------------------------- external IEEE1394
D. Mode4 : SC+AFE(for USB2.0) ------------------------------- external USB2.0
E. Mode5 : test PLL & Debug
F. Mode6 : test internal SC
G. Mode7 : test internal USB1.1
H. Mode8 : test internal AFE
I. Mode9 : test internal CPU
Note: SC is scanner controller; AFE is analog front-end.
6.30. Power on Check
The default status of the PWRBIT is reset.You can set the PWRBIT and then read back the status in order to check
the power status. This operation be able to check first time power on or not.
6.31. DMA image read.
Support DMA image read for DMA operation.
6.32. DMA DRAM read/write
Support DMA read/write function for Gamma Table, Shading Data and Acceleration/Deceleration Table down-load