Evaluation Kit User Manual for PIC Board
1996 Consumer Microcircuits Limited
Software Description PIC
C Programming Software
This is supplied on disk as a self-documented executable file PICPROGA.EXE for a PC running DOS
(either directly or as a DOS window in Windows 3.11 or '95). It is not recommended for use on
Windows NT systems. Please note that this programming software does not meet the Arizona
Microchip Technology verification requirements for a "production quality" programmer. Also, it does not
support the programming of ID locations and there is no checksum facility.
The user interface consists of two windows. The top window contains the operating instructions and the
bottom window shows the command line and data communications with the PIC
C. When the top
window first appears the user will be prompted to enter the number of the serial communications port to
which the EV6000 board is connected. Once the user has entered this number, the following
commands are displayed:
press F
to load file.
press C
to enter Configuration Word.
Currently - xxxx
press B
to check target device is blank.
press P
to program target device.
press V
to verify target device.
press R
to read target device.
press A
to view contents of program data array.
press Esc
to return to DOS.
A new function from the above table can be selected whenever the >ok prompt appears in the bottom
a) Assembler output files must be in the Intel hex format (.HEX) in order to be usable by this
programming software.
b) The PIC
C supplied has a Configuration Word which is preset to 3FB9H if it is a PIC 16C74JW or
16LC74JW, or to 3FB1H if it is a PIC 16C74AJW or 16LC74AJW. In each case, this selects the
crystal oscillator, disables the watch dog timer, enables the power up timer and disables code
protection. The programming software currently defaults to 3FB1H. Consult Arizona Microchip
Technology for more information on the Configuration Word.
c) The "blank check" command (B) only looks at the first location. A programmed device will always
have data in this location as it is the program start address.
d) For each of the commands B,P,R and V the user will be prompted to manually reset the target
C, by pressing the RESET switch (SW1) on the EV6000 Evaluation Board. This is because PIC
programming always starts from location 0000 and the program counter can only be incremented.
e) Pressing A will display the program data in the bottom window, formatted in pages of 48
consecutive locations. Use the <PageUp> and <PageDown> keys to scroll through the data.
Pressing <Esc> will return the user to the >ok prompt.