Triple 80 MHz Video Amplifier with DC Restore
Applications Information
In Figure 3 one of the three channels is used
together with a low-offset op-amp to automati-
cally trim the bias current of the other two chan-
nels The two remaining channels are shown in
the non-inverting configuration but could equal-
ly well be set to provide inverting gains Two
DC-restored channels are typically needed in fad-
er applications See the EL4094 and EL4095 for
suitable monolithic video faders
Layout and Dissipation Considerations
As with all high frequency circuits the supplies
should be bypassed with a 01
mF ceramic capaci-
tor very close to the supply pins and a 47
tantalum capacitor fairly close to handle the
high current surges While a ground plane is rec-
ommended the amplifier will work well with a
‘‘star’’ grounding scheme The pin 3 ground is
only used for the internal bias generator and the
reference for the TTL compatible ‘‘HOLD’’ in-
As with all current feedback capacitors all stray
capacitance to the inverting inputs should be
kept as low as possible to avoid unwanted peak-
ing at the output This is especially true if the
value of Rf has already been reduced to raise the
bandwidth of the part
while tolerating some
peaking In this situation additional capacitance
on the inverting input can lead to an unstable
Since there are three amplifiers all in one pack-
age and each amplifier can sink or source typi-
cally more than 70mA some care is needed to
avoid excessive die temperatures Sustained DC
currents of over 30mA are not recommended
due to the limited current handling capability of
the metal traces inside the IC Also the short cir-
cuit protection can be tripped with currents as
low as 45mA which is seen as excessive distor-
tion in the output waveform As a quick rule of
thumb both the SOL and DIP 16 pin packages
can dissipate about 14 watts at 25 C and with
15V supplies and a worst case quiescent current
of 32mA yields 096 watts before any load is
Dissipation of the EL4390 can be reduced by low-
ering the supply voltage Although some per-
formance is degraded at lower supplies as seen in
the characteristic curves it is often found to be a
useful compromise The bandwidth can be recov-
ered by reducing the value of RF and RG as ap-