DualQuad 130 MHz Current Feedback Amplifiers
Applications Information
maintain almost constant supply current over
temperature so that AC performance is not de-
graded as much over the entire operating temper-
ature range Of course this increase in perform-
ance doesn’t come for free Since the current has
increased supply voltages must be limited so
that maximum power ratings are not exceeded
Each amplifier in the EL2260CEL2460C con-
sume typically 75 mA and maximum 100 mA
The worst case power in an IC occurs when the
output voltage is at half supply if it can go that
far or its maximum value if it cannot reach
EL2260CEL2460C is used for double terminated
video cable driving applications (RL e 150X)
and the gain ea2 then the maximum output
voltage is 2V and the average output voltage is
14V If we set the two PDmax equations equal to
each other and solve for VS we can get a family
of curves for various packages and conditions ac-
cording to
VS e
The following curve shows supply voltage (gVS)
vs temperature for the various packages assum-
ing AV ea 2 RL e 150 and VOUT peak e 2V
The curves include worst case conditions (IS e
10 mA and all amplifiers operating at VOUT peak
Supply Voltage vs Ambient Temperature
for All Packages of EL2260CEL2460C
2260 – 14
The curves do not include heat removal or forc-
ing air or the simple fact that the package will
probably be attached to a circuit board which
can also provide some form of heat removal
Larger temperature and voltage ranges are possi-
ble with heat removal and forcing air past the
Current Limit
The EL2260CEL2460C have internal current
limits that protect the circuit in the event of the
output being shorted to ground This limit is set
at 100 mA nominally and reduces with junction
temperature At a junction temperature of 150 C
the current limits at about 65 mA If any one
output is shorted to ground the power dissipa-
tion could be well over 1W and much greater if
all outputs are shorted Heat removal is required
in order for the EL2260CEL2460C to survive an
indefinite short
Channel to Channel Isolation
Due to careful biasing connections within the in-
ternal circuitry of the EL2260CEL2460C excep-
tionally good channel to channel isolation is ob-
tained Isolation is over 70 dB at video frequen-
cies of 4 MHz and over 65 dB up to 10 MHz The
EL2460C isolation is improved an additional
10 dB up to about 5 MHz for amplifiers A to B
and amplifiers C to D Isolation is improved an-
other 8 dB for amplifiers A to C and amplifiers B
to D See the curve in the Typical Performance
Curves section for more detail
Driving Cables and Capacitive Loads
When used as a cable driver double termination
is always recommended for reflection-free per-
formance For those applications the back termi-
nation series resistor will decouple the EL2260C
and EL2460C from the capacitive cable and allow
extensive capacitive drive However other appli-
cations may have high capacitive loads without
termination resistors In these applications an
additional small value (5
X –50X) resistor in se-
ries with the output will eliminate most peaking
The gain resistor RG can be chosen to make up
for the gain loss created by this additional series
resistor at the output