1998 E-Lab Digital Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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instance, the PC serial port transmits using voltages ranging from -15 to + 15 VDC. The schematic
in Figure One relies on the EDE702's internal input-clamping diodes to reduce the signal's voltage
to TTL-levels. The 33K
resistor is necessary to limit the current through these diodes. Because the
voltage driver inside the PC contains a level inverter, the EDE702 is used in "Inverted Mode" (Pin 2
Low). This causes the EDE702 to transmit and receive using a polarity-inverted serial data stream.
If your EDE702 circuit does use a voltage-converter IC such as the MAX232, you will not need this
series resistor. Also, since the MAX232 Level Shifter IC contains an inverter, the EDE702
should, when used with any level converter IC such as this, be operated in "Standard Mode" (Pin 2
Connection to a microcontroller requires no voltage level conversion or current-limiting resistor;
simply connect the microcontroller's serial output to the EDE702's Serial Data Input (Pin 17). The
serial data is transmitted using TTL-compatible voltage levels. Depending upon the length of the
data line, you may need to pull up this line using a 4.7K
resistor, as shown in Figure Two. Figure
Two illustrates the connection of a BASIC Stamp I to the EDE702. Notice that only one I/O pin is
required to display text on the LCD screen. For this example, the EDE702 is set to 2400 Baud (Pin
1 Low), Standard Polarity (Pin 2 High).
Figure Two: Connection of EDE702 to BASIC Stamp I
The following software, written for the BASIC Stamp I, outputs text on both lines of a two-line
LCD. Notice that a "Pause 10" instruction is added after each write to the LCD's internal control
registers to allow time for the LCD to execute the instruction.
REM Delay while LCD powers up.
REM Clear display and home cursor
SEROUT 7,T2400,($FE)
SEROUT 7,T2400,($01)
SEROUT 7,T2400,("Hello World...")
REM Move to start of second row
SEROUT 7,T2400,($FE)
SEROUT 7,T2400,($C0)
SEROUT 7,T2400,("This text should be on the second row!")