2000 Semtech Corp.
Application Information
Power Supply Decoupling
VCC and VEE should be decoupled to GND with a .1
chip capacitor in parallel with a .001
F chip capacitor. A
VCC and VEE plane, or at least a solid power bus, is
recommended for optimal performance.
VH and VL Decoupling
As the VH and VL inputs are unbuffered and supply the
driver output current, which can be quite large during edge
transitions, decoupling capacitors for these inputs are
recommended in proportion to the amount of output
current requirements.
For applications where VH and VL are shared over multiple
channels, a solid power plane to distribute these levels is
The two VBB pins are connected together on-chip.
Therefore, only one VBB needs to be connected to for
proper 818 operation.
The two pins may be used to daisy chain a VBB signal
across a PC Board without having to route the actual signal
underneath the 818.
Latchup Protection
The Edge818 has several power supply requirements to
protect the part in power supply fault situations, as well
as during power up and power down sequences. VCC
must remain greater than or equal to VDD (external supply
for the digital logic) at all times. Both VCC and VDD must
always be positive (above ground), and VEE must always
be negative (at or below ground).
The three diode configuration shown in Figure 5 should
be used on a once-per-board basis.
Figure 5.
Power Supply Protection Scheme
gure 5.
Warning: It is extremely important that the voltage
on any device pin does not exceed the range of VEE
–0.5V to VCC +0.5V at any time, either during power
up, normal operation, or during power down. Failure
to adhere to this requirement could result in latchup
of the device, which could be destructive if the system
power supplies are capable of supplying large
amounts of current. Even if the device is not
immediately destroyed, the cumulative damage
caused by the stress of repeated latchup may affect
device reliability.
1N5820 or