Thomas & Betts
1555 Lynnfield Road
Memphis, TN 38119
(901) 682-8221 FAX (901) 537-8805
Quality & Innovation From The
Product Group
DS Series Capacitor Socket With Four-Finger Contact
Augat has combined its four-finger high reliability contact with a surface
mount capacitor and a circuit assembly to create a full line of decoupling
(dual-in-line) sockets.
Available in three lead termination styles, .125" (3,18) PC tail,
.180" (4,57) PC tail and 3-level solderless wire wrap
Reduces PCB utilized space by 12% to 15%
Allows handling, inventory and installation of one component
instead of two
Available in three capacitor values: .01
F, .10F and .33F
Optional assignment of voltage and ground available for custom
decoupling requirements, consult factory
PCB Hole Size Range: .055"
± .003" (1,40 ± 0,08) Solderless wrap
± .003" (0,89 ± 0,08) PC solder termination
IC Pin Dimension Range: .016" to .021" (0,41 to 0,53) dia.
.105" (2,67) min. length
Insulator ........................ Glass epoxy
Outer Sleeve .................. Machined brass/formed copper,
tin/lead or gold plated
Inner Contact .................. Beryllium copper, gold over nickel
or tin/lead plated
Vibration ........................ Passed MIL-STD-1344, Method 2005.1, Cond. II
Shock .............................. Passed MIL-STD-1344, Method 2004.1, Cond. C
Durability ...................... Passed 50 cycles
Normal Force ................ 115 Grams (4.1 0z.) min. with .018" (0,46) dia.
polished steel pin (typ.)
Inner Contact
Retention .................... 7.5 Lbs. per line average
Solderability .................. Passed MIL-STD-202, Method 208
Insertion Force .............. 179 Grams (6.3 oz.) average with .018" (0,46) dia.
polished steel pin
Withdrawal Force .......... 63 Grams (2.2 oz.) average with .018" (0,46) dia.
polished steel pin
Contact Resistance ........ 10 Milliohms
Contact Rating .............. 3 Amps
Capacitance .................... 1.0 pF per MIL-STD-202F, Method 305
(adjacent contacts max.)
Insulation Resistance .... 5,000 Megohms @ 500 VDC per MIL-STD-1344,
Method 3003.1
Dielectric Withstanding
Voltage ...................... 1,000 VAC RMS per MIL-STD-1344,
Method 3001.1
Moisture Resistance ...... Passed MIL-STD-202, Method 106
Temperature Cycling .... Passed MIL-STD-1344, Method 1003.1, Cond. A
Operation Temp.* .......... +10
°C to +85°C
* This temperature range applies to the capacitor only