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Copy SP1 to NV1 [22h]
This command copies the entire contents (24 bytes) of Scratchpad 1 (SP1) to its corresponding
nonvolatile memory (NV1). The EEPROM of the DS2436 cannot be written to directly by the bus master;
however, the scratchpad RAM may be copied to the EEPROM. This prevents accidental overwriting of
the EEPROM and allows the data to be written first to the scratchpad, where it can be read back and
verified before copying to the EEPROM. This command does not use a start address; the entire contents
of the scratchpad will be copied to the nonvolatile RAM. The NVB bit will be set when the copy is in
progress. NV1 is made with EEPROM memory cells that will accept at least 50,000 changes.
Copy SP2 to NV2 [25h]
This command copies the entire contents (8 bytes) of SP2 (user bytes) to its corresponding nonvolatile
memory (NV2). This command does not use a start address; the entire contents of SP2 will be copied to
NV2. The NVB bit will be set when the copy is in progress. NV2 is made with EEPROM type memory
cells that will accept at least 50,000 changes.
Copy SP3 to SRAM [28h]
This command copies the entire contents (8 bytes) of SP3 to its corresponding SRAM. This command
does not use a start address; the entire contents of SP3 will be copied to the SRAM.
Copy NV1 to SP1 [71h]
This command copies the entire contents (24 bytes) of NV1 to its corresponding scratchpad RAM (SP1).
This command does not use a start address; the entire contents of NV1 will be copied to SP1. The
EEPROM of the DS2436 cannot be read directly by the bus master; however, the EEPROM may be
copied to the scratchpad RAM.
Copy NV2 to SP2 [77h]
This command copies the entire contents (8 bytes) of NV2 (user bytes) to its corresponding scratchpad
RAM (SP2). This command does not use a start address; the entire contents of NV2 will be copied to
SP2. The EEPROM of the DS2436 cannot be read directly by the bus master; however, the EEPROM
may be copied to the scratchpad RAM.
Copy SRAM to SP3 [7Ah]
This command copies the entire contents (8 bytes) of SRAM to its corresponding scratchpad RAM (SP3).
This command does not use a start address; the entire contents of SRAM will be copied to SP3. The
SRAM of the DS2436 cannot be read directly by the bus master; however, the SRAM may be copied to
the scratchpad RAM.
Lock NV1 [43h]
This command prevents copying SP1 to NV1. This is done as an added measure of data security,
preventing data from being changed inadvertently. NV1 may still be copied into SP1 while the part is
locked. This allows NV1 to be read at any time. However, NV1 cannot be written to through a Copy SP1
to NV1 command without first unlocking it .
Unlock NV1 [44h]
This command unlocks NV1, to allow copying SP1 into NV1. This is done as an added measure of data
security, preventing data from being changed inadvertently.