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Debugging an Am186EM Application
on the SD186EM demonstration board
Using Microsoft’s C/C++ Compiler and Paradigm Debug Software
My Tran
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
This application note provides users with step-by-step instructions for building and debugging an
Am186EM application program using Microsoft’s C/C++ compiler with Paradigm Debug software.
To debug an embedded program, the debugger must be able to communicate with the monitor on the
target board. The SD186EM board comes with the E86MON monitor. However, this monitor was
not intended to function with the Paradigm Debug software; therefore, the Paradigm Remote ROM
monitor (PDREM) must be built and downloaded to the board before a debugging process can take
place. The user needs to install the following tools on his/her PC (PC386 or better, with at least 4
Mbyte of memory) in order to build and debug an Am186EM application using the Microsoft C/C++
compiler with the Paradigm Debug software:
- Microsoft C/C++ compiler, version 1.5
- Paradigm LOCATE, version 5.0
- Paradigm Debug/RT-186, version 4.0
- Microsoft Assembler, version 6.1
- Paradigm PDREM, version 4.02
- AMD SD186EM Demonstration board
The process of debugging an Am186EM application involves two basic steps: (1) building Paradigm
Remote ROM monitor (PDREM) and downloading it to the board; (2) building and debugging an
Am186EM application program. Other tools and utilities are important factors in building an
embedded application; thus, this document is divided into five sections:
1. Installing Paradigm software
2. Building and Downloading PDREM
3. Building an Am186EM application
4. Optimizing the application program
5. Building an AM186EM Standalone program
Before installing the Paradigm software, please review the section
Installing Paradigm Software below
for specific information. This document assumes the software is installed on c:\
, where
is the
directory where the software resides. As such, the directory names used throughout this document
have the following meanings:
- Microsoft C/C++ compiler directory
- Microsoft Assembler directory
- Paradigm LOCATE directory
- Paradigm PDREM directory
- Paradigm Debug/RT-186 directory
If the user installs his/her software in a different directory or disk drive, please replace the string
with the correct path names.
Paradigm Debug software supports different compilers from different vendors