Aeroflex Circuit Technology
SCDCT2553 REV B 8/6/99 Plainview NY (516) 694-6700
Initialization of the CT2553 via a Reset or by
setting the appropriate Configuration Register bits
will result in placing the CT2553 in the BC
operating mode.
. The user
configures the memory by: (1) writing the start
address of the Descriptor Stack into the Current
Area Stack Point location; (2) loading the fourth
word of each Descriptor Stack Entry (DSE) with
the start location of each message block; and (3)
loading the Message Counter with the total
number of messages to be transmitted. Note that
the Message Count must be written in 1's
compliment. For example, to transmit one
message, load OOFE(H) (See Table 3, BC
Memory Map).
If both map areas A and B are utilized, this
procedure must be performed for each area. Note
that the Stack Pointer and Message Counter
locations are fixed; Message Block locations are
Each message block must be proceeded by a BC
Control Word (See Figure 14). This word informs
the CT2553 as to the format of the message
transfer. Bit 1 of the Control Word defines whether
the following message to RT 31 is to be issued in
Broadcast Mode or whether RT 31 is a unique
terminal. Memory locations must be reserved at
the end of each message for: (1) a Loop Back
Word; (2) RTU Status Word(s); and (3) received
Data words. See Figure 16, BC Message
Message blocks may be loaded anywhere in the
non-fixed area of the shared RAM. However, each
data block may not cross a 256 word boundary
(i.e., bit 8 of the starting address of the message
block must match bit 8 of the address of the last
word of the message block).
Table 3 - Typical BC Memory Map
. The Configuration
Register – STOP ON ERROR bit can be set. This
causes the CT2553 to halt operation at the end of
the current message transfer if an error is
detected. In addition, setting the Interrupt Mask
Register bits will result in a low pulse on the
Interrupt (INT) pin with each occurrence of the
respective error, end of message or end of
message frame condition (See Configuration
Register and Interrupt Register sections).
After setting the CONTROLLER START bit in the
Start/Reset Register, the CT2553 takes the
following actions:
1. Reads the Current Area Stack Pointer for the
address of the Descriptor Stack Entry (DSE).
2. Stores an SOM (Start of Message) flag in the
Block Status word to indicate a transfer
operation in progress.
3. Writes the Time Tag value into the Descriptor
Stack (See Time Tag).
4. Reads the Data Block Address from the fourth
location of the DSE.
5. Starts the MIL-STD-1553 message transfer.
Upon completion of the MIL-STD-1553 message
transfer, the CT2553:
1. Generates an End Of Message (EOM) or Error
(if applicable) interrupt if enabled.
2. Reads the Stack Pointer for the address of the
3. Updates the Block Status Word; resets SOM,
sets EOM, and sets any applicable Error bits.
4. Writes the Time Tag value into the Descriptor
Stack (See Time Tag).
5. Increment Pointers: Stack Pointer incremented
by 4 and Message Count incremented by 1.
6. If more messages remain to be sent, a BC End
Of Message (BCEOM) interrupt occurs (if
If an error occurs and Stop On Error has been
enabled, the CT2553 stops initiating BC
Transfer-Start sequences. The Stack Pointer will
point to the next message to be transferred (See
Figure 17).
Fixed Areas
Stack Pointer A
Message Count A
Stack Pointer B
Message Count B
User Defined Areas
Not Used
Data Block 1
Data Block 2
Data Block 3
Descriptor Stack A
Descriptor Stack B