Standard ICs
BU9881 / BU9881F
R / W set to 0: Writing
(0 is also set in order to specify a word address for random reading.)
R / W set to 1: Reading
: Don't Care
R / W
-COM output data)
(data output from this IC)
Acknowledge signal (ACK signal)
Start condition
Fig. 7 Acknowledge signal (ACK signal) response
(When slave address is input for writing or reading)
(2) Device addressing
The master address should be output first, followed by the start condition, and then the slave address.
The first four bits of the slave address are used to recognize the device type. The device code for this IC is fixed
at "1010".
The next three bits of the slave address may be either HIGH or LOW.
The last bit of the slave address (R / W: READ / WRITE) is used to specify either writing or reading, and is as
shown below.
(3) ACK signal
This acknowledge signal (ACK signal) is determined by the software, and indicates whether or not the data has
been correctly transmitted. Regardless of whether the address is a master or slave address, the device on the
transmitter (sending signal) side (the
-com when a slave address is input for a write command or a read com-
mand, and this IC when read command data is output) opens the bus after this 8-bit data is output.
With a device on the receiving (reception) side (this IC when a slave address is input for a read command or
write command, and a microcomputer when data is output for a read command), SDA is set to LOW during the
nine-clock cycle, and the acknowledge signal (ACK signal) is output when 8-bit data is received.
This IC output the acknowledge signal (ACK signal) in the LOW state after a start condition and a slave address
(8 bits) have been recognized.
For other writing operations, the acknowledge signal (ACK signal) is output in the LOW state each time that 8-bit
data (word address or write data) is received.
In the various reading operations, 8-bit data (read data) is output, and then the acknowledge signal (ACK signal)
in the LOW state is detected. If the acknowledge signal (ACK signal) is detected and no stop condition is sent
from the master (microcomputer) side, this IC continues to output data. If the acknowledge signal (ACK signal)
is not detected, this IC interrupts the transmission of data, recognizes a stop condition (stop bit), and terminates
the reading operation. The IC then enters the standby mode. (Refer to "Fig. 7 acknowledge signal (ACK signal)