Data Device Corporation
BU-61559 Series
In the buffered mode (reference FIGURE 19), the processor data
and address buses connect directly to the corresponding buses
of the BU-61559. In this mode, the shared memory size is limit-
ed to the 8K X 16 of internal RAM. In the buffered mode, the
internal address latches and data buffers serve to isolate the
external processor address/data buses from the internal memo-
ry address/data buses.
The BU-61559 supports a direct interface to a multiplexed
processor bus by means of the input signal ADDR_LAT. When
ADDR_LAT is high, the latch/buffers for A15-A0 are in their trans-
parent mode. When ADDR_LAT is low, the latch/buffers for A15-
A0 are in their latched mode. In the buffered mode, the address
latch/buffers are directed inward for CPU accesses and are dis-
abled for 1553 accesses. The bidirectional data buffers are
directed inward for CPU write transfers, outward for CPU read
transfers, and are disabled for 1553 transfers.
FIGURE 18. BU-61559X1, BU-61559X2 INTERFACE TO 1553 BUS
(1) Shown for one of two redundant buses that interface to the BU-61559/60 Series hybrid.
(2) Transmitted voltage level on 1553 bus is 6 Vp-p min, 7 Vp-p nominal, 9 Vp-p max.
(3) Required tolerance on isolation resistors is 2%. Instantaneous power dissipation (when transmitting) is approximately 0.5 W (typ), 0.8 W (max).
(4) Transformer pin numbering is correct for DDC BUS-25679 or BUS-29854 transformer. For the Beta transformer (e.g., B-2203) or the QPL-21038-31 transformer (e.g.,
M21038/27-02), the winding sense and turns ratio are mechanically the same, but the pin numbering is reversed.Therefore, it is necessary to reverse pins 8 and 4 or
pins 7 and 5 in the diagram for the Beta or QPL transformers.
In the buffered mode, the output MEMENA-OUT
be con-
nected to the input MEMENA-IN.
The transparent mode (reference FIGURE 20) supports an inter-
face to up to 64K words of external shared RAM and/or to a
STANAG-3910 component set. In the transparent mode, the
memory control signals MEMENA-OUT, MEMOE, and MEMWR
are used to read and write data from/to external RAM.MEMENA-
OUT is the BU-61559's Chip Select (CS) output signal. For inter-
nal RAM accesses, the input MEMENA-IN should be asserted
low. When there is no ongoing memory access, or for accesses
to external RAM, MEMENA-IN should be presented as a logic 1.
In the transparent mode, the address buffers drive the CPU
address onto the internal memory bus for CPU transfers; for
1553 transfers, the internal memory address is asserted on the
external address bus. The data buffers are directed outward for