2001 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS39026C-page 231
MPLAB ICD In-Circuit Debugger
Microchip’s In-Circuit Debugger, MPLAB ICD, is a pow-
erful, low cost, run-time development tool. This tool is
based on the FLASH PIC16F87X and can be used to
develop for this and other PICmicro microcontrollers
from the PIC16CXXX family. The MPLAB ICD utilizes
the in-circuit debugging capability built into the
PIC16F87X. This feature, along with Microchip’s
In-Circuit Serial ProgrammingTM protocol, offers cost-
effective in-circuit FLASH debugging from the graphical
user interface of the MPLAB Integrated Development
Environment. This enables a designer to develop and
debug source code by watching variables, single-
stepping and setting break points. Running at full
speed enables testing hardware in real-time.
PRO MATE II Universal Device
The PRO MATE II universal device programmer is a
full-featured programmer, capable of operating in
stand-alone mode, as well as PC-hosted mode. The
PRO MATE II device programmer is CE compliant.
The PRO MATE II device programmer has program-
mable VDD and VPP supplies, which allow it to verify
programmed memory at VDD min and VDD max for max-
imum reliability. It has an LCD display for instructions
and error messages, keys to enter commands and a
modular detachable socket assembly to support various
package types. In stand-alone mode, the PRO MATE II
device programmer can read, verify, or program
PICmicro devices. It can also set code protection in this
20.10 PICSTART Plus Entry Level
Development Programmer
The PICSTART Plus development programmer is an
easy-to-use, low cost, prototype programmer. It con-
nects to the PC via a COM (RS-232) port. MPLAB
Integrated Development Environment software makes
using the programmer simple and efficient.
The PICSTART Plus development programmer sup-
ports all PICmicro devices with up to 40 pins. Larger pin
PIC17C76X, may be supported with an adapter socket.
The PICSTART Plus development programmer is CE
20.11 PICDEM 1 Low Cost PICmicro
Demonstration Board
The PICDEM 1 demonstration board is a simple board
which demonstrates the capabilities of several of
Microchip’s microcontrollers. The microcontrollers sup-
ported are: PIC16C5X (PIC16C54 to PIC16C58A),
PIC17C42, PIC17C43 and PIC17C44. All necessary
hardware and software is included to run basic demo
programs. The user can program the sample microcon-
trollers provided with the PICDEM 1 demonstration
board on a PRO MATE II device programmer, or a
PICSTART Plus development programmer, and easily
test firmware. The user can also connect the
PICDEM 1 demonstration board to the MPLAB ICE in-
circuit emulator and download the firmware to the emu-
lator for testing. A prototype area is available for the
user to build some additional hardware and connect it
to the microcontroller socket(s). Some of the features
include an RS-232 interface, a potentiometer for simu-
lated analog input, push button switches and eight
LEDs connected to PORTB.
20.12 PICDEM 2 Low Cost PIC16CXX
Demonstration Board
The PICDEM 2 demonstration board is a simple dem-
PIC16C64, PIC16C65, PIC16C73 and PIC16C74
microcontrollers. All the necessary hardware and soft-
ware is included to run the basic demonstration pro-
microcontrollers provided with the PICDEM 2 demon-
stration board on a PRO MATE II device programmer,
or a PICSTART Plus development programmer, and
easily test firmware. The MPLAB ICE in-circuit emula-
tor may also be used with the PICDEM 2 demonstration
board to test firmware. A prototype area has been pro-
vided to the user for adding additional hardware and
connecting it to the microcontroller socket(s). Some of
the features include a RS-232 interface, push button
switches, a potentiometer for simulated analog input, a
serial EEPROM to demonstrate usage of the I2CTM bus
and separate headers for connection to an LCD
module and a keypad.