Rev. A
Page 13 of 80
July 2011
Each mailbox consists of eight 16-bit data words. The data is
divided into fields, which includes a message identifier, a time
stamp, a byte count, up to 8 bytes of data, and several control
bits. Each node monitors the messages being passed on the net-
work. If the identifier in the transmitted message matches an
identifier in one of its mailboxes, the module knows that the
message was meant for it, passes the data into its appropriate
mailbox, and signals the processor of message arrival with an
The CAN controller can wake up the processor from sleep mode
upon generation of a wake-up event, such that the processor can
be maintained in a low-power mode during idle conditions.
Additionally, a CAN wake-up event can wake up the on-chip
internal voltage regulator from the powered-down
hibernate state.
The electrical characteristics of each network connection are
very stringent. Therefore, the CAN interface is typically divided
into two parts: a controller and a transceiver. This allows a sin-
gle controller to support different drivers and CAN networks.
The ADSP-BF50x CAN module represents the controller part of
the interface. This module’s network I/O is a single transmit
output and a single receive input, which connect to a line
The CAN clock is derived from the processor system clock
(SCLK) through a programmable divider and therefore does not
require an additional crystal.
The processors include a 2-wire interface (TWI) module for
providing a simple exchange method of control data between
multiple devices. The TWI is compatible with the widely used
bus standard. The TWI module offers the capabilities of
simultaneous master and slave operation, support for both 7-bit
addressing and multimedia data arbitration. The TWI interface
utilizes two pins for transferring clock (SCL) and data (SDA)
and supports the protocol at speeds up to 400K bits/sec. The
TWI interface pins are compatible with 5 V logic levels.
Additionally, the TWI module is fully compatible with serial
camera control bus (SCCB) functionality for easier control of
various CMOS camera sensor devices.
Because of the rich set of peripherals, the processor groups the
many peripheral signals to three ports—Port F, Port G, and
Port H. Most of the associated pins are shared by multiple sig-
nals. The ports function as multiplexer controls.
General-Purpose I/O (GPIO)
The processor has 35 bidirectional, general-purpose I/O (GPIO)
pins allocated across three separate GPIO modules—PORTFIO,
PORTGIO, and PORTHIO, associated with Port F, Port G, and
Port H, respectively. Each GPIO-capable pin shares functional-
ity with other processor peripherals via a multiplexing scheme;
however, the GPIO functionality is the default state of the device
upon power-up. Neither GPIO output nor input drivers are
active by default. Each general-purpose port pin can be individ-
ually controlled by manipulation of the port control, status, and
interrupt registers:
GPIO direction control register – Specifies the direction of
each individual GPIO pin as input or output.
GPIO control and status registers – The processor employs
a “write one to modify” mechanism that allows any combi-
nation of individual GPIO pins to be modified in a single
instruction, without affecting the level of any other GPIO
pins. Four control registers are provided. One register is
written in order to set pin values, one register is written in
order to clear pin values, one register is written in order to
toggle pin values, and one register is written in order to
specify a pin value. Reading the GPIO status register allows
software to interrogate the sense of the pins.
GPIO interrupt mask registers – The two GPIO interrupt
mask registers allow each individual GPIO pin to function
as an interrupt to the processor. Similar to the two GPIO
control registers that are used to set and clear individual
pin values, one GPIO interrupt mask register sets bits to
enable interrupt function, and the other GPIO interrupt
mask register clears bits to disable interrupt function.
GPIO pins defined as inputs can be configured to generate
hardware interrupts, while output pins can be triggered by
software interrupts.
GPIO interrupt sensitivity registers – The two GPIO inter-
rupt sensitivity registers specify whether individual pins are
level- or edge-sensitive and specify—if edge-sensitive—
whether just the rising edge or both the rising and falling
edges of the signal are significant. One register selects the
type of sensitivity, and one register selects which edges are
significant for edge-sensitivity.
The processor provides five operating modes, each with a differ-
ent performance/power profile. In addition, dynamic power
management provides the control functions to dynamically alter
the processor core supply voltage, further reducing power dissi-
pation. When configured for a 0 volt core supply voltage, the
processor enters the hibernate state. Control of clocking to each
of the processor peripherals also reduces power consumption.
Table 4 for a summary of the power settings for each mode.
Full-On Operating Mode—Maximum Performance
In the full-on mode, the PLL is enabled and is not bypassed,
providing capability for maximum operational frequency. This
is the power-up default execution state in which maximum per-
formance can be achieved. The processor core and all enabled
peripherals run at full speed.
Active Operating Mode—Moderate Dynamic Power
In the active mode, the PLL is enabled but bypassed. Because the
PLL is bypassed, the processor’s core clock (CCLK) and system
clock (SCLK) run at the input clock (CLKIN) frequency. DMA
access is available to appropriately configured L1 memories.