The ADS7852 features eight single-ended inputs. While the
static current into each analog input is basically zero, the
dynamic current depends on the input voltage and sample
rate. Essentially, the current into the device must charge the
internal hold capacitor during the sample period. After this
capacitor has been fully charged, no further input current is
required. For optimum performance, the source driving the
analog inputs must be capable of charging the input capaci-
tance to a 12-bit settling level within the sample period. This
can be as little as 350ns in some operating modes. While the
converter is in the hold mode, or after the sampling capacitor
has been fully charged, the input impedance of the analog
input is greater than 1G
The reference voltage on the V
pin establishes the full-
scale range of the analog input. The ADS7852 can operate
with a reference in the range of 2.0V to 2.55V corresponding
to a full-scale range of 4.0V to 5.1V.
The voltage at the V
pin is internally buffered and this
buffer drives the capacitor DAC portion of the converter.
This is important because the buffer greatly reduces the
dynamic load placed on the reference source. Since the
voltage at V
will be unavoidably affected by noise and
glitches generated during the conversion process, it is highly
recommended that the V
pin be bypassed to ground as
outlined in the sections that follow.
The ADS7852 contains an onboard 2.5V reference, resulting
in a 0V to 5V input range on the analog input. The Specifi-
cations Table gives the various specifications for the internal
reference. This reference can be used to supply a small
amount of source current to an external load but the load
should be static. Due to the internal 10k
resistor, a dy-
namic load will cause variations in the reference voltage,
and will dramatically affect the conversion result. Note that
even a static load will reduce the internal reference voltage
seen at the buffer input. The amount of reduction depends on
the load and the actual value of the internal “10k
” resistor.
The value of this resistor can vary by
The V
pin should be bypassed with a 0.1
F ceramic
capacitor placed as close to the ADS7852 as possible. In
addition, a 2.2
F tantalum capacitor should be used in
parallel with the ceramic capacitor.
The internal reference is connected to the V
pin and to the
internal buffer via an on-chip 10k
series resistor. Because
of this configuration, the internal reference voltage can
easily be overridden by an external reference voltage. The
voltage range for the external voltage is 2.00V to 2.55V,
corresponding to an analog input range of 4.0V to 5.1V.
While the external reference will not have to provide signifi-
cant dynamic current to the V
in, it does have to drive the
series 10k
resistor that is connected to the 2.5V internal
reference. Accounting for the maximum difference between
the external reference voltage and the internal reference
voltage, and the processing variations for the on-chip 10k
resistor, this current can be as high as 75
A. In addition, the
pin should still be bypassed to ground with at least a
F ceramic capacitor placed as close to the ADS7852 as
possible. Depending on the particular reference and A/D
conversion speed, additional bypass capacitance may be
required, such as the 2.2
F tantalum capacitor shown in the
Typical Circuit Configuration (Figure 1). Close attention
should be paid to the stability of any external reference
source that is driving the large bypass capacitors present at
the V
Figure 1 shows the simple circuit required to operate the
ADS7852 with Channel 0 selected. A conversion can be
initiated by bringing the WR pin (pin 27) LOW for a
minimum of 35ns. BUSY (pin 28) will output a LOW during
the conversion process and rises only after the conversion is
complete. The 12 bits of output data will be valid on pins 15
through 26 following the rising edge of BUSY.
A conversion is initiated on the falling edge of the WR
input, with valid signals on A0, A1, A2, and CS. The
ADS7852 will enter the conversion mode on the first rising
edge of the external clock following the WR pin going
LOW. The conversion process takes 13.5 clock cycles (1.5
cycles for the DB0 decision, 2 clock cycles for the DB5
decision, and 1 clock cycle for each of the other bit deci-
sions). This allows 2.5 clock cycles for sampling. Upon
initiating a conversion, the BUSY output will go LOW
approximately 20ns after the falling edge of the WR pin.
The BUSY output will return HIGH just after the ADS7852
has finished a conversion and the output data will be valid
on pins 15 through 26. The rising edge of BUSY can be used
to latch the output data into an external device. It is recom-
mended that the data be read immediately after each conver-
sion since the switching noise of the asynchronous data
transfer can cause digital feedthrough degrading the
converter’s performance. See Figure 2.
The selection of the analog input channel to be converted is
controlled by address pins A0, A1, and A2. This channel
becomes active on the rising edge of WR with CS held LOW.
The data on the address pins should be stable for at least 10ns
prior to WR going HIGH.
The address pins are also used to control the power-down
functions of the ADS7852. Careful attention must be paid to
the status of the address pins following each conversion. If
the user does not want the ADS7852 to enter either of the
power-down modes following a conversion, the A0 and A1
pins must be LOW when RD and CS are returned HIGH after
reading the data at the end of a conversion (see the Power-
Down Mode section of this data sheet for more details).