Power Management Modes
The ADNS-3550 has three power-saving modes. Each
mode has a different motion detection period, affecting
response time to mouse motion (Response Time). The
sensor automatically changes to the appropriate mode,
depending on the time since the last reported motion
(Downshift Time). The parameters of each mode are
shown in the following table.
Response Time
Downshift Time
Rest 1
16.5 ms
237 ms
Rest 2
82 ms
8.4 s
Rest 3
410 ms
504 s
Motion Pin Timing
The motion pin is a level-sensitive output that signals
the microcontroller when motion has occurred. The mo-
tion pin is lowered whenever the motion bit is set; in
other words, whenever there is data in the Delta
_X or
_Y registers. Clearing the motion bit (by reading
_Y and Delta_X, or writing to the Motion register)
will put the motion pin high.
LED Mode
For power savings, the LED will not be continuously on.
ADNS-3550 will flash the LED only when needed.
Synchronous Serial Port
The synchronous serial port is used to set and read
parameters in the ADNS-3550, and to read out the
motion information.
The port is a four wire serial port.The host microcontroller
always initiates communication; the ADNS-3550 never
initiates data transfers. SCLK, MOSI, and NCS may be
driven directly by a microcontroller. The port pins may
be shared with other SPI slave devices. When the NCS
pin is high, the inputs are ignored and the output is tri-
The lines that comprise the SPI port:
SCLK: Clock input. It is always generated by the
master (the microcontroller).
MOSI: Input data. (Master Out/Slave In).
MISO: Output data. (Master In/Slave Out).
NCS: Chip select input (active low). NCS needs to
be low to activate the serial port; otherwise,
MISO will be high Z, and MOSI & SCLK will be
ignored. NCS can also be used to reset the
serial port in case of an error.
Chip Select Operation
The serial port is activated after NCS goes low. If NCS
is raised during a transaction, the entire transaction is
aborted and the serial port will be reset. This is true for
all transactions. After a transaction is aborted, the normal
address-to-data or transaction-to-transaction delay is
still required before beginning the next transaction. To
improve communication reliability, all serial transactions
should be framed by NCS. In other words, the port
should not remain enabled during periods of non-use
because ESD and EFT/B events could be interpreted as
serial communication and put the chip into an unknown
state. In addition, NCS must be raised after each burst-
mode transaction is complete to terminate burst-mode.
The port is not available for further use until burst-mode
is terminated.
Write Operation
Write operation, defined as data going from the
microcontroller to the ADNS-3550, is always initiated
by the microcontroller and consists of two bytes. The
first byte contains the address (seven bits) and has a “1”
as its MSB to indicate data direction. The second byte
contains the data. The ADNS-3550 reads MOSI on rising
edges of SCLK.