30 MHz to 1000 MHz
75 Ω Gain Block
Preliminary Technical Data
Fixed gain of 20 dB
Operation up to 1000 MHz
+37.3 dBm OIP3 at 70 MHz
Noise Figure 2.9 dB at 70 MHz
Input/output internally matched to 75 Ω
Temperature and power supply stable
Power supply: 5 V
Power supply current: 66 mA
1000 V ESD (Class 1C)
Rev. PrC 5/07
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2007 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
8 NC
NC 4
6 NC
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NC 1
Figure 1. Block Diagram
The ADL5533 is a fixed-gain, linear amplifier that operates at
frequencies up to 1000 MHz. Intended for use in a wide variety
of applications, including broadband, CATV, cable modem and
The fixed gain of 20 dB is stable over frequency, temperature,
power supply and from device to device. OIP3 is +37.3 dBm
with an output compression point of +18.8 dBm and a noise
figure of 2.9 dB.
The ADL5533 is single-ended and internally matched to 75 Ω
with an input return loss of 10 dB. Only input/output ac-
coupling capacitors, a power supply decoupling capacitor and
external inductor are required for operation.
This amplifier operates with a supply voltage of +5V, consuming
66 mA of supply current.
The ADL5533, fabricated on a GaAs HBT process, and has an
ESD rating of 1000 V (Class 1C).The device is packaged in a 3mm
x 3mm LFCSP that uses an exposed paddle for excellent
thermal impedance and operates from 40°C to +85°C. A fully
populated evaluation board is available.