Data Sheet
Rev. D | Page 18 of 24
After powering up the part, this programming sequence must
be followed:
1. Test register (R4)
2. Function register (R3)
3. R divider register (R2)
4. LSB FRAC register (R1)
5. FRAC/INT register (R0)
The following equation governs how the synthesizer should be
RFOUT = [N + (FRAC/225)] × [fPFD]
RFOUT is the RF frequency output.
N is the integer division factor.
FRAC is the fractionality.
fPFD = REFIN × [(1 + D)/(R × (1 + T))]
REFIN is the reference frequency input.
D is the RF REFIN doubler bit.
R is the RF reference division factor.
T is the reference divide-by-2 bit (0 or 1).
For example, in a system where a 5.8002 GHz RF frequency
output (RFOUT) is required and a 10 MHz reference frequency
input (REFIN) is available, the frequency resolution is
fRES = REFIN/225
fRES = 10 MHz/225 = 0.298 Hz
From Equation 4,
fPFD = [10 MHz × (1 + 0)/1] = 10 MHz
5.8002 GHz = 10 MHz × (N + FRAC/225)
Calculating N and FRAC values,
N = int(RFOUT/fPFD) = 580
FRAC = FMSB × 213 + FLSB
FMSB = int(((RFOUT/fPFD) N) × 212) = 81
FLSB = int(((((RFOUT/fPFD) N) × 212) FMSB) × 213) = 7537
FMSB is the 12-bit MSB FRAC value in Register R0.
FLSB is the 13-bit LSB FRAC value in Register R1.
int() makes an integer of the argument in brackets.
The on-chip reference doubler allows the input reference signal
to be doubled. This is useful for increasing the PFD comparison
frequency. Making the PFD frequency higher improves the noise
performance of the system. Doubling the PFD frequency
usually improves noise performance by 3 dB. It is important to
note that the PFD cannot be operated above 32 MHz due to
a limitation in the speed of the Σ-Δ circuit of the N divider.
In fastlocking applications, a wide loop filter bandwidth is
required for fast frequency acquisition, resulting in increased
integrated phase noise and reduced spur attenuation. Using
cycle slip reduction, the loop bandwidth can be kept narrow to
reduce integrated phase noise and attenuate spurs while still
realizing fast lock times.
Cycle Slips
Cycle slips occur in integer-N/fractional-N synthesizers when
the loop bandwidth is narrow compared to the PFD frequency.
The phase error at the PFD inputs accumulates too fast for the PLL
to correct, and the charge pump temporarily pumps in the wrong
direction, slowing down the lock time dramatically. The ADF4157
contains a cycle slip reduction circuit to extend the linear range
of the PFD, allowing faster lock times without loop filter changes.
When the ADF4157 detects that a cycle slip is about to occur, it
turns on an extra charge pump current cell. This outputs a constant
current to the loop filter or removes a constant current from the
loop filter (depending on whether the VCO tuning voltage needs
to increase or decrease to acquire the new frequency). The effect is
that the linear range of the PFD is increased. Stability is main-
tained because the current is constant and is not a pulsed current.
If the phase error increases again to a point where another cycle
slip is likely, the ADF4157 turns on another charge pump cell.
This continues until the ADF4157 detects that the VCO frequency
has exceeded the desired frequency. It then begins to turn off
the extra charge pump cells one by one until they are all turned
off and the frequency is settled.
Up to seven extra charge pump cells can be turned on. In most
applications, it is enough to eliminate cycle slips altogether,
giving much faster lock times.
Setting Bit DB28 in the R Divider register (R2) to 1 enables cycle
slip reduction. Note that a 45% to 55% duty cycle is needed on
the signal at the PFD for CSR to operate correctly. The reference
divide-by-2 flip-flop can help to provide a 50% duty cycle at the
PFD. For example, if a 100 MHz reference frequency is available,
and the user wants to run the PFD at 10 MHz, setting the R divide
factor to 10 results in a 10 MHz PFD signal that is not 50% duty
cycle. By setting the R divide factor to 5 and enabling the reference
divide-by-2 bit, a 50% duty cycle 10 MHz signal can be achieved.
Note that the cycle slip reduction feature can only be operated
when the phase detector polarity setting is positive (DB6 in
Register 3). It cannot be used if the phase detector polarity is
set to negative.