Application Notes
+1 972-580-7777
AN1001 - 6
2002 Teccor Electronics
Thyristor Product Catalog
Critical Rate-of-rise of Off-state Voltage or Static dv/dt
(dv/dt) –
Minimum value of the rate-of-rise of principal voltage
which will cause switching from the off state to the on state
Critical Rate-of-rise of On-state Current (di/dt) –
value of the rate-of-rise of on-state current that a thyristor can
withstand without harmful effect
Gate-controlled Turn-on Time
) –
Time interval between a
specified point at the beginning of the gate pulse and the instant
when the principal voltage (current) has dropped to a specified
low value (or risen to a specified high value) during switching of a
thyristor from off state to the on state by a gate pulse.
Gate Trigger Current (I
) –
Minimum gate current required to
maintain the thyristor in the on state
Gate Trigger Voltage (V
) –
Gate voltage required to produce
the gate trigger current
Holding Current (I
Minimum principal current required to
maintain the thyristor in the on state
Latching Current (I
) –
Minimum principal current required to
maintain the thyristor in the on state immediately after the switch-
ing from off state to on state has occurred and the triggering sig-
nal has been removed
On-state Current (I
) –
Principal current when the thyristor is in
the on state
On-state Voltage (V
) –
Principal voltage when the thyristor is in
the on state
Peak Gate Power Dissipation (P
) –
Maximum power which
may be dissipated between the gate and main terminal 1 (or
cathode) for a specified time duration
Repetitive Peak Off-state Current (I
) –
neous value of the off-state current that results from the applica-
tion of repetitive peak off-state voltage
Repetitive Peak Off-state Voltage (V
) –
Maximum instanta-
neous value of the off-state voltage which occurs across a thyris-
tor, including all repetitive transient voltages and excluding all
non-repetitive transient voltages
Repetitive Peak Reverse Current of an SCR (I
) –
instantaneous value of the reverse current resulting from the
application of repetitive peak reverse voltage
Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage of an SCR (V
) –
instantaneous value of the reverse voltage which occurs across
the thyristor, including all repetitive transient voltages and exclud-
ing all non-repetitive transient voltages
Surge (Non-repetitive) On-state Current (I
) –
On-state cur-
rent of short-time duration and specified waveshape
Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient (R
) –
difference between the thyristor junction and ambient divided by
the power dissipation causing the temperature difference under
conditions of thermal equilibrium
Note: Ambient is the point at which temperature does not change
as the result of dissipation.
Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case (R
) –
Temperature dif-
ference between the thyristor junction and the thyristor case
divided by the power dissipation causing the temperature differ-
ence under conditions of thermal equilibrium