All dimensions are in inches. Tolerances (except noted): .xx = ±.02” (,51 mm), .xxx = ± .005” (,127 mm).
All specifications are to the latest revisions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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Model 6308
Test Companion Kit
For Amprobe
Sales: 800-490-2361 Fax: 888-403-3360
Technical Assistance: 800-241-2060
Model 6282: Test Probe with Stainless Steel Tip: Insulation – Nylon 6, fire retardant, UL94 V-O rated, Probe tip –
Stainless Steel, 4mm safety jack: brass, nickel plated, Color: One Black, One Red, RATINGS: 1000 VRMS, 10
Model 5907A: Test Lead Straight to Right Angle: Banana Spring: Nickel plated beryllium copper, Insulation–Nylon 6,
fire retardant, UL94 V-O, Wire: 48" silicone 18" AWG, Color: One Black, One Red, RATINGS: 1000 VRMS, 10
Model 6248: Minigrabber to Sheathed Banana Jack; Grabber: Body: Nylon 6 – Fire Retardant – UL94 V-O Rated, Color
per part number,
Hook: Beryllium Copper, Gold Plated, Compression Spring: Music Wire, Wire:18 AWG, 65 x 36 Tinned
Copper, Insulation – Silicone, .144” (3,66 mm) O.D., Color per Part Number, Banana Jack: Body - Brass, Nickel Plated,
Insulation - Nylon 6, Fire Retardant UL94 V-0 Rated, Color per part number, RATINGS: IEC 1010 2-031, Category II, P2
Compliant Voltage: 300 VRMS/DC Max., Current: 5 Amperes Max.
Model 6261: Minipincer to Sheathed Banana Jack; Grabber: Body: Nylon 6 – Fire Retardant – UL94 V-O Rated,
Color per part number, Pincer: Beryllium Copper, Gold Plated, Compression Spring: Music Wire, Wire: 8 AWG, 65 x
36 Tinned Copper, Insulation – Silicone, .144” (3,66 mm) O.D., Color per Part Number
Banana Jack: Body - Brass, Nickel Plated Insulation - Nylon 6, Fire Retardant UL94 V-0 Rated, Color per part
number. RATINGS: IEC 1010 2-031, Category II, P2 Compliant, Voltage: 300 VRMS/DC Max. Current: 5
Amperes Max.
Model 6203: Spade Lug: Brass, nickel plated, Insulation - Nylon 6, fire retardant, UL94 V-O, Spade - Nickel plated
copper, Color: One Black, One Red, RATINGS: 1000 VRMS, 15 Amperes
Model 5910A: Maxigrabber set with Pincer Tip - RATINGS: 1000 VRMS, 10 Amperes, CAT III, P2
Model 5911A: Maxigrabber set with Hook Tip - RATINGS: 1000 VRMS, 10 Amperes, CAT III, P2
ORDERING INFORMATION: Model 6308 (Kit includes items from above)
Replacement P/N’s: Model 5914: Industrial Alligator Clip, Model 6282: Test Probe with Stainless Steel Tip, Model
5907A: Test Lead Straight to Right Angle, Model 6248: Minigrabber to Sheathed Banana Jack, Model 6261:
Minipincer to Sheathed Banana Jack, Model 6203: Spade Lug, Maxigrabber set with Pincer Tip, Model 5911A:
Maxigrabber set with Hook Tip