guarantee the generation of the Unimplemented Opcode Inter-
rupt. The UT80CRH196KD, on the other hand, generates the
Unimplemented Opcode Interrupt when the EEH opcode is
1.27 Byte-Wide Reads of the HSI_Time SFR
In order to ensure that the next HSI event is loaded from the
FIFO into the HSI holding register, the HSI_TIME special
function register must be read as a 16-bit word. Byte-wide
reads of the HSI_TIME register will not result in successful
loading of the HSI holding register.
1.28 BMOV and BMOVI Maximum Count Limitation
The BMOV and BMOVI instructions provide a powerful
method to transferring a large block of data from one location
in memory to another. The syntax for the BMOV and BMOVI
instructions are as follows:
The SRC_DEST_REG is a long register that contains both
addresses for the source and destination blocks. The CNTREG
is a 16-bit register specifying the number of transfers being
performed. Unlike the industry standard 80C196KD which
will accept any 16-bit counter value, the UT80CRH196KD
will only accept a value in the range of 0000H to 3FFFH.
1.29 BREQ Activation Prior to HLDA
The BREQ signal is used by the UT80CRH196KD to signal a
DMA arbiter that it would like to recover access to the mem-
ory bus. The UT80CRH196KD, on the other hand, uses the
HLDA signal to provide confirmation to the DMA arbiter that
the UT80CRH196KD has relinquished control of the memory
bus. If the wait state control signal (READY) is high when the
UT80CRH196KD decides it will release the bus based on the
assertion of the HOLD signal, it will drive the BREQ low one
CLKOUT cycle ahead of its assertion of the HLDA. Con-
versely, if the READY signal is low when the
UT80CRH196KD decides to relinquish the bus, it will assert
BREQ coincidently with HLDA or some CLKOUT cycle
later. The latter behavior is compatible with the industry stan-
dard 80C196KD functionality, but the former is unique to the
1.30 HOLD Must Be Synchronized with CLKOUT
The DMA arbiter must synchronize the HOLD signal with the
CLKOUT on the UT80CRH196KD. The timing diagram in
Figure 8 eludes to the synchronicity of the HOLD signal, but
does not clearly identify the outcome if the HOLD signal does
not satisfy the timing parameter t
. If the HOLD setup
time is violated on the industry standard 80C196KD, it will
require one additional CLKOUT cycle before it recognizes the
state change of HOLD. Violating the HOLD setup time on the
UT80CRH196KD will result in a metastable condition and the
UT80CRH196KD’s reaction is undefined.