of Timer3 can be found in locations 0Fh (high byte), and 0Eh
(low byte) of HWindow 1.
1.15 Input/Output Pullup/Pulldown Currents
Leakage currents may not meet the industry standard specs due
to differently sized weak pullups/pulldowns, during Quasi-
Bidirectional and reset/powerdown modes. Refer to specs for
and I
1.16 Power-down exit
Pin 37 will not be used to exit power-down mode. Since a digital
clock is supplied, no connection between this V
pin and the
power-down circuitry exists.
1.17 Test Mode Entry
Test mode entry will be via four pins: WR, RD, ALE and HLDA
instead of PWM0.
1.18 Power-on Reset
The UT80CRH196KD will not guarantee the 16-state "pulse
stretching" function of a Reset_n pulse applied at power-up. The
user must hold Reset_n low until the power and clocks stabilize
plus 16-state times, or provide a high to low transition after the
power and clocks have stabilized.
1.19 Pullup/Pulldown states
The INST pin will be driven to a weak low during Reset. The
ALE signal will be driven to a weak high during Bus Hold.
1.20 Modifying the INT_PEND registers
Two operand rd-modify-wr instructions should be used to
modify the INT_PEND registers. Three operand rd-modify-wr
instructions may lose an incoming interrupt.
1.21 Serial Port Synchronous Mode
The last clock rising edge to output float time (T
) is made
consistent with the output data hold (T
) time of 2 T
+/-50nsec. This is longer than the industry standard of 1 T
1.22 Industry Standard Register Indirect with Auto Incre-
The industry standard increments the auto-incremented regis-
ter after determining the external address instead of at the end
of the instruction completion. The UT80CRH196KD performs
the auto-increment function at the end of the instruction pro-
cessing. Please reference the example below that shows the
processing difference between the UT80CRH196KD and the
industry standard:
ST R0, [R0]+
assume R0 holds the value 1000h before the instruction is exe-
1.23 AC Timing Differences
There are some AC timing differences between the
UT80CRH196KD and the industry standard 80C196KD. Most
changes resulted in loosened timing specifications. However,
the t
and t
timing specifications were tightened by
5ns. If you have been designing to the industry standard timing
specifications, it is important to recognize these two shortened
timing specifications.
: Please visit the UTMC website at www.utmc.com to
obtain the latest data sheet updates, application notes, software
examples, advisories and erratas for the UT80CRH196KD.
1.24 T2UP-DN Input Signal
Port 2.6 has an alternate function of T2UP-DN enabled by
IOC2.1. The industry standard device appears to allow writes
into Port 2.6 to directly affect the pin state when in the T2UP-
DN mode. (This would allow software control of the T2 direc-
tion, but requires ensuring a one (QBD pullup) is written to
Port 2.6 if the pin is driven externally). The UT80CRH196KD
device is designed to disable the Port 2.6 output when T2UP-
DN is enabled. This protects the P2.6/T2UP-DN pin from con-
tention with an externally driven signal, independent of the
value written into Port 2.
1.25 NEG 8000h Instruction Operation
The UT80CRH196KD and the industry standard 80C196KD
set the N-Flag differently when executing the NEG 8000h
instruction. NEG represents the MCS-96 opcode to negate a
defined operand (8000h). When the UT80CRH196KD exe-
cutes the NEG 8000h instruction, the result becomes 8000h
with both the N-Flag and the V-Flag set. The industry stan-
dard 80C196KD, however, executes the NEG 8000h instruc-
tion with a result of 8000h and only the V-Flag set.
1.26 Reserved Opcode EEH
The industry standard 80C196KD using the MCS-96 ISA
declares the opcode EEH as a reserved opcode and does not
Address = [R0]; 1000h
R0 ---> Address
R0 = R0+1; 1001h
* The contents in address
1000h are 1000h
Industry Standard
Address = [R0]; 1000h
R0 = R0+1; 1001h
R0 ---> Address
* The contents in address
1000h are 1001h