Timer 1
Six-bit prescaler + 8-bit programmable reload timer
(The prescaler is shared by timer 1, timer 2, and the serial interface.)
Supports the generation of remote control carrier signals under program control.
Timer 2
Six-bit prescaler + 8-bit programmable timer
(The prescaler is shared by timer 1, timer 2, and the serial interface.)
Can also be used as an event counter.
Base timer (When the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator option is selected)
Two frequencies from a set of four base frequencies (either 125 ms and 500 ms, or 100 ms and 250 ms) can be selected as a
combination of mask option and program selection to flexibly support end products.
Standby functions
Halt mode
Instruction execution is stopped in this mode. The oscillator circuits, the timers, the LCD controller and driver circuits,
and the serial interface continue to operate. This mode allows unnecessary loops to be avoided and therefore power
dissipation can be reduced by the effective use of this mode.
The halt mode clear (exit) conditions can be set by application programs. The following functions can be used to clear
halt mode.
— Transitions on the INT pin signal (1 factor)
— Timer 1 (1 factor)
— Timer 2 (1 factor)
— Base timer (1 factor)
— Transitions on either the serial interface pins or the SO4 pin (One or the other of these two factors)
— Transitions on the S and K port signals as defined by the SSW instruction (8 factors)
— The reset signal
Hold mode
This is a full standby mode in which the oscillator circuits are stopped.
The hold mode clear (exit) conditions can be set by application programs. The following functions can be used to clear hold mode.
— Transitions on the INT pin signal (1 factor)
— Timer 2 in event counter mode (1 factor)
— Transitions on either the serial interface pins or the SO4 pin (One or the other of these two factors)
— Transitions on the S and K port signals as defined by the SSW instruction (8 factors)
— The reset signal
Interrupt function (5 factors with 4 vector addresses)
— Transitions on the INT pin signal (1 factor)
— Timer 1 (1 factor)
— Timer 2 (1 factor)
— Transitions on either the serial interface pins or the SO4 pin (One or the other of these two factors)
Watchdog timer
A 16-bit counter is used. This circuit supports reset based on a combination of two points the program passes through for
flexible application support. This watchdog timer circuit supports the following operating times.
Crystal oscillator used (32.768 kHz, 1 or 2 cycles): Up to 2000 ms (max)
CF oscillator used (1 MHz, 1 cycle):
Up to 65.536 ms (max)
Subroutine stack
These microcontrollers provide an 8-level stack in special-purpose RAM for subroutines and interrupt handling. Thus
data RAM is not required for saving the program counter.
Instruction set
These microcontrollers provide 126 easy-to-use instructions, including accumulator manipulation, register to/from
memory transfer, arithmetic, logical operation, flag manipulation, and I/O port control instructions, as well as a full set of
conditional branch instructions.
No. 6008-3/15
LC587208A, 587206A, 587204A, 587202A