Catalog 1307819
Dimensions are in inches and
Dimensions are shown for
USA: 1-800-522-6752
South America: 55-11-2103-6000
Revised 8-08
millimeters unless otherwise
reference purposes only.
Canada: 1-905-470-4425
Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
specified. Values in brackets
Specifications subject
Mexico: 01-800-733-8926
Japan: 81-44-844-8013
are metric equivalents.
to change.
C. America: 52-55-1106-0803
UK: 44-8706-080-208
Application Tooling for Insulation Displacement Crimp (IDC)
Contacts and Connectors
AMPMODU Interconnection System
Note: All part numbers are RoHS compliant.
Pistol Grip Manual and
Air Powered Tools
The manual pistol grip tool
features an interchange-
able modular terminating
head which also can be
used in the pneumatic ver-
sion, the Bench Mount
Pneumatic Power Assembly
and the IDC Electric Power
Unit. The head terminates
one unstripped wire per
cycle and indexes the con-
nector to the next terminat-
ing position. The head
rotates to permit optimum
access to the wiring area.
The Bench Mount Pneumatic
Power Assembly is air actu-
ated with either a foot or
knee switch. This capability
frees the operator’s hands
for optimum positioning.
Modular Heads:
58062-1 (for MT connectors)
58336-1 (for MTE connectors)
58395-1 (for Level V IDC connectors)
58540-1 (for MTE connectors, discrete
wire or flat ribbon cable)
Tooling shown on this page
is designed to terminate
IDC contacts for various
AMPMODU wire-to-board
connectors. Refer to page
88 to determine the applica-
ble connectors.
Bench Mounted Pneumatic Power Assembly
No. 58338-1
IDC Electric Power Unit
This electrically powered
semiautomatic bench
machine is designed for
applying AMPMODU MTE
and MT connectors to dis-
crete wires. It is portable
and compact and uses
existing pistol grip modular
heads. The heads are easily
interchanged to run different
products. *The IDC Electric
Power Unit’s cycle rate is
approximately 7,200 cycles
per hour, with exact produc-
tion rates depending upon
operator dexterity.
Modular Heads:
58062-1 (for MT connectors)
58336-1 (for MTE connectors)
Pneumatic Pistol Grip
Tool No. 58075-1
Manual Pistol Grip
Tool No. 58074-1
IDC Electric Power Unit
No. 931800-1
*A tube-fed track assembly, Part No.
856675-1, also can be used with
MTE Connectors.
This modular head tool can
be used on any pistol grip
tool. It was designed for dis-
crete wire or flat ribbon cable
Modular Head
Tool No. 58540-1