Optical Specifications1
54TM-2XYZ (1310 nm)
54TM-3XYZ (1550 nm)
Symbol Minimum
Optical budget2
10 dB
24 dB
10 dB
24 dB
Center wavelength
1280 nm
1310 nm
1335 nm
1500 nm
1530 nm
1580 nm
Optical output power3
-1.5 dBm
0 dBm
2 dBm
-1.5 dBm
0 dBm
2 dBm
Shutdown optical power
-50 dBm
-40 dBm
-50 dBm
-40 dBm
Spectral width4
0.3 nm
1 nm
0.3 nm
1 nm
Optical eye diagram5, 6
According to ITU G.957 and GR-253-CORE
30 dB
30 dB
Extinction ratio7
8.2 dB
10 dB
8.2 dB
9.5 dB
Path penalty (dispersion)8,9
0.2 dB
1 dB
1.3 dB
2 dB
250 ps/nm
1600 ps/nm
Jitter generation10
37 mUI
37 mUI
5 mUI
5 mUI
1. All minimum and maximum parameters are specified end-of-life within the overall, relevant operating temperature range.
The typical values are referenced to 25 °C (nominal power supply) beginning of life.
The operating conditions are: Vcc = 4.75 to 5.25 V DC
Vee = 0 V DC
Line bit rate: 2.48832 Gb/s ±20 ppm
Line code: SONET STS-48 frame with scrambler, with PRBS23 payload
Line extinction ratio
≥8.2 dB
≤1x10-10 (the transmitter shall support link performance down to a 10-14 BER)
2. The V-16.2 version is adapted to standard 10 to 13 dBm EDFA optical bandwidth.
3. Measured at the connector interface and at end of life.
4. The maximum full width of the central wavelength peak, measured 20 dB down from the maximum amplitude under modulation condition PRBS 2
23 -1.
5. Measured at end of life, over entire operating temperature, power supply range, and measured into a 25 dB minimum optical return loss.
6. A 5% margin is required in order to guarantee performance at the system level.
7. Measured at the connector interface under modulation condition PRBS 2
8. This note applies only to the 1310 nm version. Path penalty shall include total path dispersion and maximum R point reflectance, (40 km assumed). Measured at center
wavelength = 1310 nm. Using 1310 source on non-dispersion shifted fiber at 250 ps/nm, (assuming a DFB laser). Using 1310 source on dispersion shifted fiber at -300 ps/nm,
assuming a DFB laser.
9. This note applies only to the 1550 nm version. Path penalty shall include total path dispersion and maximum R point reflectance, (80 km assumed). The penalty when
operating on Dispersion-shifted fiber is specified as only 1.0 dB. Measured at center wavelength = 1550 nm. Using 1550 source on non-dispersion shifted fiber at 1600 ps/nm
(assuming a DFB laser).
10.Measured into a 25 dB minimum optical return loss. Maximum optical TX jitter allowed by Bellcore and ANSI is .01 UI RMS (4 ps RMS) and 0.1 UI p-p (40 ps p-p). A
portion of this jitter requirement has been allocated to the opto transmitter module as noted.
The maximum RMS jitter contribution from the Optic TX module shall be less than this value. This should be tested with an STS-48 source with less than 2.8 ps RMS jitter
to ensure that overall ANSI/Bellcore TX jitter generation requirements are met (with a small additional system margin factored in). Jitter addition is expected to be RMS:
Jout = [J(STS-48 source)^2 + J(optic TX module)^2]^0.5.
The maximum peak-to-peak jitter contribution from the Optic TX module shall be less than this value. This should be tested with an STS-48 source with less than 20 ps p-p
jitter to ensure that overall ANSI/Bellcore TX jitter generation requirements are met (with a small additional system margin factored in). Jitter addition is expected to be
primarily a pattern dependent non-linear algebraic addition, with the highest pp jitter levels measured in the STS-48 section overhead region. Care must be taken to note
the jitter signs (polarity) and shape (jitter vs. STS-48 frame position) of the STS-48 source, and the additive jitter due to the optic TX module and any other required test
equipment to ensure that this requirement is met. This may require a point-by-point subtraction of the peak jitter vs. time position within an STS line.