Mar 31, 2009
7548 Group
(1) Processor Status Register
The contents of the processor status register (PS) after reset are
undefined except for the interrupt disable flag I which is “1”.
After reset, initialize flags which affect program execution. In
particular, it is essential to initialize the T flag and the D flag
because of their effect on calculations. Initialize these flags at the
beginning of the program.
(2) Interrupts
The contents of the interrupt request bit do not change even if the
BBC or BBS instruction is executed immediately after they are
changed by program because this instruction is executed for the
previous contents. For executing the instruction for the changed
contents, execute one instruction before executing the BBC or
BBS instruction.
(3) Decimal Calculations
For calculations in decimal notation, set the decimal mode
flag D to “1”, then execute the ADC instruction or SBC
instruction. In this case, execute SEC instruction, CLC
instruction or CLD instruction after executing one
instruction before the ADC instruction or SBC instruction.
In the decimal mode, the values of the N (negative), V
(overflow) and Z (zero) flags are invalid.
(4) Ports
The values of the port direction registers cannot be read. That is,
it is impossible to use the LDA instruction, memory operation
instruction when the T flag is “1”, addressing mode using
direction register values as qualifiers, and bit test instructions
such as BBC and BBS.
It is also impossible to use bit operation instructions such as CLB
and SEB and read/modify/write instructions of direction registers
for calculations such as ROR.
For setting direction registers, use the LDM instruction, STA in-
struction, etc.
(5) A/D Conversion
Do not execute the STP instruction during A/D conversion.
(6) Instruction Execution Timing
The instruction execution time can be obtained by multiplying
the frequency of the internal clock
φ by the number of cycles
mentioned in the machine-language instruction table.
The frequency of the internal clock
φ is the same as that of the
φSOURCE in double-speed mode, twice the φSOURCE cycle in
high-speed mode, 4 times the
φSOURCE cycle in middle-speed
mode and 8 times the
φSOURCE cycle in low-speed mode.
(7) CPU Mode Register
The processor mode bits can be written only once after releasing
reset. Always set them to “002”. After written, rewriting any data
to these bits is disabled because they are locked. (Emulator MCU
is excluded.)
(8) State transition
Do not stop the clock selected as the operation clock because of
setting of bits 0 to 2.
(1) Handling of Power Source Pin
In order to avoid a latch-up occurrence, connect a capacitor
suitable for high frequencies as bypass capacitor between power
source pin (VCC pin) and GND pin (VSS pin). A ceramic
capacitor of 0.01
F to 0.1 F is recommended.
Connect a capacitor across the power source pin and GND pin
with the shortest possible wiring.
(2) Note on Power Source Voltage
When the power source voltage value of a microcomputer is less
than the value which is indicated as the recommended operating
conditions, the microcomputer does not operate normally and
may perform unstable operation.
In a system where the power source voltage drops slowly when
the power source voltage drops or the power supply is turned off,
reset a microcomputer when the supply voltage is less than the
recommended operating conditions and design a system not to
cause errors to the system by this unstable operation.