15 Watt TC Single Series DC/DC Converters
2401 Stanwell Drive Concord, California 94520 Ph: 925/687-4411 or 800/542-3355 Fax: 925/687-3333 www.calex.com Email: sales@calex.com
Suggested Part:
HFE Series
220μF, 100V, 105
C Rated
ESR=0.089 ohms
Allowable Ripple=1.04 A @ 105
The suggested capacitors will work for any line and load
condition, however, they may be oversized for your application.
Low Noise Input Filtering Circuit
To reduce the input reflected ripple to less than 50 mA peak
to peak the circuit shown in Figure 2 may be used. Toroid core
inductors have theoretically lower radiated noise than a rod
core. Use reasonable caution when selecting an inductor
other than the one specified. Nearly any 105
C rated capacitor
can be used for the 10μF / 100V part. To prevent input filter
peaking the ESR should be in the range of 0.5 to 2 ohms. Do
not use the lowest ESR capacitor available for this part. This
will render the filter ineffective.
Low noise input filter circuit
Remote ON/OFF Circuit Operation
The remote ON/OFF pin is best applied as follows:
To turn the unit off, the ON/OFF pin should be tied to the -
Input pin. This is best done by an open collector arrangement
or contact closure.
To turn the unit on, let the ON/OFF pin float.
If the remote ON/OFF pin is not used, it may be safely left
floating. There is a 100K internal pull-up resistor inside the
unit to +9 volts DC.
Other applications of the ON/OFF function can be found in
the application note,
Understanding the Remote ON/OFF
Proper Application Of The Trim Pin
The trim pin is used to adjust the output voltage slightly to
compensate for voltage drops in the system
s wiring. Figure
3 shows the proper application of the trim pin. Either a 10K
trimpot or fixed resistors may be used.
Other applications for the TRIM function can be found in the
CALEX application note:
Applying the Remote Sense and
Trim Functions on DC/DC Converters.
Use one resistor for either trim up or trim down. The values
can range from infinity to zero ohms with zero ohms providing
the most trim.
Temperature Derating Guidelines
Care must be taken in the application of all power devices. Be
sure to account for the self heating in your instrument due to
the power converter and the loads. For minimum temperature
gradient, the hottest components should be mounted at the
bottom of your system (bottom of a vertical PCB) and the
coolest components at the top of the system. This will help to
even the temperature of the entire system and prevent
temperature gradients.
The 15 Watt TC Single Series has a thermal impedance of
C per package watt dissipated. During normal operation
the 15 Watt TC Single Series can be expected to run at 80%
efficiency at 48 VDC and full load. This means that the 15 Watt
TC Single Series is dissipating nearly 4 Watts internally at full
load. This, therefore, translates to a package temperature rise
of about 40
C (10
C/watt x 4 watts dissipated).
The maximum rated case temperature for the 15 Watt TC
Series is 90
C. This means that, in the absence of other heat
sources (including the load that the converter is powering)
and with at least 3 inches of clearance, the 15 Watt TC Single
Series can be expected to operate at an ambient of 50
Additional heat sinks or cooling air flow can extend the
ambient temperature of operation significantly.
Figure 3.
Output trim methods