20 Watt NT Single Series DC/DC Converters
2401 Stanwell Drive Concord, California 94520 Ph: 925/687-4411 or 800/542-3355 Fax: 925/687-3333 www.calex.com Email: sales@calex.com
The input and output sections are fully floating from each
other. They may be operated floating or with a common
ground. If the input and output sections are connected either
directly at the converter or at some remote location from the
converter it is suggested that a 1 to 10F, 0.5 to 5 ohm ESR
capacitor bypass be used directly at the converter output pins.
This capacitor prevents any common mode switching currents
from showing up at the converter’s output as normal mode
output noise. Do not use the lowest ESR, biggest value
capacitor that you can find! This can only lead to reduced
system performance or oscillation. See our application note
“Understanding Output Impedance For Optimum Decoupling”
for more information.
Case Grounding
The case serves not only as a heat sink but also as an EMI
shield. The 0.02 inch thick copper provides >25 dB of absorption
loss to both electromagnetic and electric fields at 220 kHz,
while at the same time providing about 30% better heat
sinking than competitive 0.01 inch thick steel cases.
The case shield is tied to the -input pin. This connection is
shown on the block diagram. The case is floating from the
input, coupled only by the 290 pF of isolation capacitance.
Remote ON/OFF Pin Operation
The remote ON/OFF pin may be left floating if this function is
not used. The equivalent input circuit for the ON/OFF pin is
shown in Figure 5. The best way to drive this pin is with an
open collector/drain or relay contact. See our application note
titled “Understanding the Remote ON/OFF Function” for more
information about using the remote ON/OFF pin.
When the ON/OFF pin is pulled low with respect to the -
Input, the converter is placed in a low power drain state. When
the ON/OFF pin is released the converter fully powers up in
typically 10 milliseconds. The ON/OFF pin turns the converter
off while keeping the input bulk capacitor fully charged. This
prevents the large inrush current spike that occurs when the
+input pin is opened and closed.
Temperature Derating
The NT Single Series can operate up to 90°C case temperature
without derating. Case temperature may be roughly calculated
from ambient by knowing that the NT Singles case temperature
rise is approximately 9.5°C per package watt dissipated.
For example: If a 24 Volt input converter was delivering 15
Watts at 24 Volts input, at what ambient could it expect to run
with no moving air and no extra heat sinking?
Efficiency is approximately 86%. This leads to an input power
of about 17.4 Watts. The case temperature rise would be 2.4
Watts x 9.5 = 22.8°C. This number is subtracted from the
maximum case temperature of 90°C to get 67°C.
This is a rough approximation to the maximum ambient
temperature. Because of the difficulty of defining ambient
temperature and the possibility that the load’s dissipation may
actually increase the local ambient temperature significantly
or that convection cooling is suppressed by physical placement
of the module, these calculations should be verified by actual
measurement of operating temperature and your circuit’s
exact efficiency (efficiency depends on both line input and
load value) before committing to a production design.
Figure 5.
The simplified schematic of the NT Single Series ON/OFF pin. The
input impedance is approximately 20 kohms. The maximum open
circuit voltage is approximately 2.5 Volts. By leaving this pin floating
the converter will be in the ON state. When the pin is pulled below
0.7 Volts the converter is placed in the power down or OFF state.
See our application note on the remote ON/OFF function for more