28F400BL-T/B, 28F004BL-T/B
Program Setup (40H or 10H)
This command simply sets the CUI into a state such
that the next write will load the address and data
registers. Either 40H or 10H can be used for Pro-
gram Setup. Both commands are included to ac-
commodate efforts to achieve an industry standard
command code set.
The second write after the program setup command,
will latch addresses and data. Also, the CUI initiates
the WSM to begin execution of the program algo-
rithm. While the WSM finishes the algorithm, the de-
vice will output Status Register contents. Note that
the WSM cannot be suspended during program-
Erase Setup (20H)
Prepares the CUI for the Erase Confirm command.
No other action is taken. If the next command is not
an Erase Confirm command then the CUI will set
both the Program Status and Erase Status bits of the
Status Register to a ‘‘1’’, place the device into the
Read Status Register state, and wait for another
Erase Confirm (D0H)
If the previous command was an Erase Setup com-
mand, then the CUI will enable the WSM to erase, at
the same time closing the address and data latches,
and respond only to the Read Status Register and
Erase Suspend commands. While the WSM is exe-
cuting, the device will output Status Register data
when OE
is toggled low. Status Register data can
only be updated by toggling either OE
or CE
Erase Suspend (B0H)
This command only has meaning while the WSM is
executing an Erase operation, and therefore will only
be responded to during an erase operation. After
this command has been executed, the CUI will initi-
ate the WSM to suspend Erase operations, and then
return to responding to only Read Status Register or
to the Erase Resume commands. Once the WSM
has reached the Suspend state, it will set an output
into the CUI which allows the CUI to respond to the
Read Array, Read Status Register, and Erase Re-
sume commands. In this mode, the CUI will not re-
spond to any other commands. The WSM will also
set the WSM Status bit to a ‘‘1’’. The WSM will con-
tinue to run, idling in the SUSPEND state, regardless
of the state of alI input control pins, with the exclu-
sion of RP
. RP
low will immediately shut down
the WSM and the remainder of the chip.
Erase Resume (D0H)
This command will cause the CUI to clear the Sus-
pend state and set the WSM Status bit to a ‘‘0’’, but
only if an Erase Suspend command was previously
issued. Erase Resume will not have any effect in all
other conditions.
The 4 Mbit flash family contains a status register
which may be read to determine when a program or
erase operation is complete, and whether that oper-
ation completed successfully. The status register
may be read at any time by writing the Read Status
command to the CUI. After writing this command, all
subsequent Read operations output data from the
status register until another command is written to
the CUI. A Read Array command must be written to
the CUl to return to the Read Array mode.
The status register bits are output on DQ
whether the device is in the byte-wide (x8) or word-
wide (x16) mode for the 28F400BL. In the word-wide
mode the upper byte, DQ
is set to 00H during
a Read Status command. In the byte-wide mode,
is tri-stated and DQ
retains the low
order address function.
It should be noted that the contents of the status
register are latched on the falling edge of OE
whichever occurs last in the read cycle. This
prevents possible bus errors which might occur if the
contents of the status register change while reading
the status register. CE
or OE
must be toggled
with each subsequent status read, or the completion
of a program or erase operation will not be evident.
The Status Register is the interface between the mi-
croprocessor and the Write State Machine (WSM).
When the WSM is active, this register will indicate
the status of the WSM, and will also hold the bits
indicating whether or not the WSM was successful in
performing the desired operation. The WSM sets
status bits ‘‘Three’’ through ‘‘Seven’’ and clears bits
‘‘Six’’ and ‘‘Seven’’, but cannot clear status bits
‘‘Three’’ through ‘‘Five’’. These bits can only be
cleared by the controlling CPU through the use of
the Clear Status Register command.